Framing your Subject

This project, hopefully, will continue to help you with composition. You’ve seen the rule of thirds, now let’s talk about using the environment you are taking photos in to help you frame your subject. Our school, even the inside, is a great place for this project. This a great project to show off your creativity. Just because you found something to frame your subject doesn’t mean that you will succeed with this project. Your subject is also part of this photo, make sure you have them involved in the shot (pose, activity, expression). I have been using the Lightroom CC App on my phone a lot lately for editing my photos. It has just about everything that Photoshop has. Below is the icon you will find in your App Store. VSCO is also a great app for this project, especially for those of you that don’t have portrait mode on your phones.

Don’t understand the project? Check this out!

He has 4.43 subscribers, he’s creative, and I think you can learn something from him. I have. You can find his other videos here: .

Here are some examples of photos to give you some ideas. The ones below are mine.

Here are a few more that I found on the web.

  • Here is what is needed in your post:
  • 6 edited photos using different “frames”
  • Clear explanation of the project.
  • Compare this composition project to the Rule of Thirds.
  • Post must include your favorite photo with your logo. Explain why it’s your favorite and how it meets the requirements of this project.
  • What are the challenges you face when using this type of composition technique?
  • Link to Google Drive folder