Up Close

In this project, you are required to take pictures up close. You must set your camera settings to macro to take the best close up pictures. In total, you should have at least taken 10 pictures using macro or any other apps if your on your own mobile device. The one thing that did work was finding the best angle and the best distance. The only thing you will probably change is the subject, distance, and position. The hardest thing in this project would have been finding a subject. I wanted to make sure that if I were to take pictures, I would not take a picture of the same exact subject I just took. There were not problems with the camera or rearranging the settings. If I had better equipment and the time, I would attempt to find a living or nonliving bug and take as many pictures as I can with as many angles.

If you want to see all of my photos, Click HERE.

Up Close

For this project, we had to take 10 photos as close as possible to 5 living things, and 5 non-living things. This resulted in some really cool photos, 2 of which are below. If you want to see the other 8, click here. For this project, I found that using the IPhone camera worked amazing as the quality of the camera is able to capture very small details. The IPhone camera would be very nice if you had portrait mode, but unfortunately I did not. One thing I found very difficult was finding interesting non-living objects to photograph in school as most things were bland in color in the photos I took. Another difficult thing from time to time was getting the camera to focus. If I had much more equipment and time, I would totally try to photograph high quality pictures of eyes, specifically hazel eyes. I love photographs of peoples eyes up close as they are ABSOLUTELY beautiful!

Getting Close

In this project we had to take up close photos on small objects. We had to use the macro icon in our cameras to get a really good shot. In the end, we had to take 10 photos that are up close. Using the macro icon worked really well in this project because the pictures looked way better than taking them regularly. I tried going close to the objects and I’ve never done that before. A challenge I had was trying to find objects because usually it didn’t work out. It was pretty difficult to find subjects. An issue I had with the camera was when I tried to take a photo, the camera didn’t turn to the macro icon and went to another icon. I would like to take pictures of animals up close, specifically bees.

You can see the rest of my photos here.

Getting Close

We had to use macro on our cameras to take photos really close of dead and alive things. Things that worked for on this project was taking pictures of plants out when the sun was out so I didn’t have to mess with the lighting. What didn’t was trying to take a picture of under a plant. If I had the equipment to take a picture up close it would be a waterfall cause i would want to see the water drops coming off of it. You can see the rest of my photos here.

Getting Close

My Project for this week was to take photos of things up close. (also called Macro photos) It is interesting to see what things are made up of. One thing that worked well was taking pictures in a well lighted room. If I took photos in the dark you wouldn’t see as much detail. There weren’t many challenges during this project although it was difficult to get the camera to focus. it was fun experimenting with the different objects in front of a camera. If I could I would like to take macro photos of bugs because they are very fragile yet complex

You can find my photos Here and here.

Up close

For this project we had to use the super macro setting on the camera or in my case VSCO. This project was very easy because it wasn’t that difficult to take pictures of nature. Some challenges were finding objects to take pictures of, or finding the quality of the photo. My phone focused on the nature and got decent pictures.

to see the rest of my pictures click here

Getting Closer

This assignment was hard because it was difficult finding stuff to take pictures of. Everything wasn’t colorful and the photo didn’t turn out good. If I had the option to take photos I would take most of my photos of animals, colorful animals and maybe some plants. What I did differently was  took pictures of stuff that wasn’t colorful so it worked better with darker colors. https://photos.app.goo.gl/4wMbXbihW773qIkj1

Up Close

See my photos here

What I needed to do was get close to at least 10 objects and really capture details that you would not see with the naked eye. What worked well was I got a lot of time to do this project and really do it well. It was pretty difficult to find interesting things to photograph. Many plants were cool but all of my pictures couldn’t be those. Also, with my phone camera, it doesn’t allow me to get as close as I would want. If i was a big photographer I would like to get close with animals and capture what they really look like.

My favorite pictures:



Up close

For this project we weren’t allowed to zoom in on objects while on macro this allowed us to get these great picture up close.It was really hard trying to take pictures of moving objects. It was also hard finding the right objects to take a picture of.If i had the time and equipment I would want to take a picture of a complex bug like a dragon fly.


Up Close

In the up close project we had to take pictures with the super macro setting.I used the app VSCO to use the super macro setting.Everything in this project worked perfectly, and the app worked too.The pictures look okay to me but I lost my good ones so this will do.If I had a lot of time my pictures would of looked better.Trying to use the normal camera doesn’t work because it doesn’t have the super macro setting.

click here for the rest of the pictures: