Getting Close

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

For this assignment I had to take interesting photos of 10 different objects or materials. In order to get a good photo I had to get the focus on the right object, otherwise it would be blurry. Something that was difficult was finding the correct positioning of the object in order to create an interesting photo. Another thing that was hard was finding a good subject because if it was moving you had to make sure its focused and if its still you have to make sure the object is in focus and the background is more blurry. I think I would try to take a close up of a butterfly or some type of marine animal because I feel like those photos would be so pretty.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Macro Photos

In this assignment, I had to get all close and personal to the objects I was taking photos of. I had to try my best to have it as clear as possible, as well as close up. One thing that worked out for me was the amount of objects I had the ability to take photos of. However, there was a hard part, and that was getting the camera to focus on the main object. I used an app called VSCO, which was new to my camera-taking experience. If I had the patience and correct stuff to take a good, closeup image of something, I would possibly attempt to do a bundle of raindrops on a single leaf. To view more of my macro photos, click here!


For this project we had to focus our cameras on something up close and try and make it to where if someone looked at your picture, they wouldn’t know what it was. For example I took a picture of a dandelion and it is focus on just part of it rather then the whole thing. This makes it harder to tell what it is and also shows the small details. One thing that worked well was using the vsco app and using the + sign. This focused the camera onto small parts of the=different things I took pictures of, and made the background slightly blurry. One thing that was challenging, was sometimes the camera wouldn’t focus so it took multiple tries to get the camera to focus on the object. If I could do this project again with better equipment I would like to take pictures of small insects and flowers to see what they look like in further detail.

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Getting Close

The overall idea of this project was to take pictures of objects very close. Some things that worked well for this project were using different apps such as VSCO and not our regular IPhone camera. The camera settings in VSCO had a better ability to take pictures up close compared to the IPhone camera. Some aspects that were challenging were not being shaky and making sure the picture wasn’t blurry. It wasn’t that difficult to find subjects that were interesting to take pictures of. I would like to photograph an eye up close.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Macro Photography

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In this project we had to take photos of objects up close without zooming in but instead we had to get as closes as we could without the photo getting blurry. in your camera, you had to turn it to manual mode for the camera to focus well. It was easy for me to find good objects to take photos of but actually taking the photo was difficult because the camera kept getting blurry. If i had the chance to take a photo up close, I would take a picture of a leaf to see all of the tiny lines in the leaf.

Up Close

See all of my photos here.

What worked was we put the camera in macro mode and didn’t zoom in. What was difficult was getting something to take a picture of that is interesting enough and so small at the same time. If I had to take the time and photograph something close up it would be a caterpillar.

up close

for this project, we had to take close up pictures with macro. the hard part was trying to find a living creature, like a bug. also, i had to find out how like take macro pictures was galaxy s6 because i don’t have something like an iPhone. the two are my favorites:


Up Close

For this task I had to take pictures of things up close to see their detail. In fact, sometimes, I found that the normal iPhone camera worked better than the VSCO macro mode. The first photo featured here is from the normal iPhone camera. What worked well was the things I could control. I tried to use VSCO which was new to me. My challenges were to find something that didn’t require me to so super close. It was difficult to go around the cold but the snow and frost were a good advantage. I felt that I expected more from the VSCO macro mode because when i tried to come close, it immediately blurred up. If I had the equipment, time, and ability to get someplace to take a close up photo, I would go to someplace with lots of nature like a lake, or forest. It would be interesting to actually see things from a close perspective. Find the rest of my photos here.

Getting Close

In our classroom we have been taking pictures of large subjects. In this project I was assigned to go around our school and look for living and non living objects to take pictures up close. what worked out well was looking for objects or even patterns all around you to take an up close picture. Using VSCO for the first time was simple to use and self explanatory. You can look through all their wonderful filters to choose from and add to your picture. My challenges were making sure the pictures did not turn out to be blurry. Since the camera would be close up to the object I needed to set a focus point in order for the object to turn out clear and the background would blur out. If I had the equipment, time, and ability to go to a bakery I would like to photograph up close to yummy cupcakes. If you would Like to see more photos click HERE.

Going Up Close

This task was to see very up close an object of your choice, some living some non-living. It was your choice to use a camera or a phone, I chose my IPhone 8 that was sufficient for this assignment. There were multiple photo apps to help aid the quality of the photos but for the most part I stuck with the regular camera. I first focused the camera the gradually began to zoom in keeping the quality clear. Then I fixed the lighting so it was clear and bright. Lastly, I snapped the picture and it looked nothing like the zoomed out object because of how close it was set up. In this project I tried something new. I never knew IPhones could zoom in with that amount of definition and now I know they can so I will try it more often. If I had the tools to take a picture of something I would want to try to zoom in on sand. A grain of sand would be very hard to capture but I would like to achieve it.

Click here for the rest of my photos!