

The only difficulty with this project was finding 15 willing people to let me take a picture of. After that it was pretty much smooth sailing as far as editing and making the google slide goes. There are some people that if you look at them frowning you would think they were a completely different person from when they smiled. Bias could make being a photographer very hard. You may be in a place that you have been told is filled with bad people and that would make you more rigid and shy to take a picture of certain people and objects. To get a fair photo of my subject/client I would talk to them first about what they like, who they are and then I would set them in a scene that really captures the essence of who they are.

Smile Project

This project was easy because all you had to do was ask someone to “Smile”.  The changes that I see in the 2 photos that I took was that the picture with the person smiling seemed way more friendly and nicer than the other photo. Bias can affect me as a photographer because it will make me decide what kinds of people or things I would want to take a picture of. The questions I would ask my clients would be what makes them happy and how do you want people to see you when they first meet you.

Here is a link to the rest of the photos:


In this project, we took pictures of people smiling and not smiling. Nothing about this project was difficult. When the students smiled, it changed my perspective on them and changed my perspective on how people judge each other off of a look. Seeing certain people and judging them instantly will make me either take a photo of them or not. I would not judge my clients based on looks and wait for their personality to shine.




Here is the link to the rest of my photos: usp=sharing

Then I Asked Them to Smile

This project asked students to take pictures of 15 people, 2 photo’s each.  In the first photo the subject might smile, as we often do in pictures.  But for the second photo a picture was taken of a person not smiling.  The comparison was astounding.  It is truly amazing how a simple smile can totally transform a persons face.  If you only looked a person without a smile on their face, your impression of them would be completely different.  Depending on how a person looks it can make them seem dejected or even dangerous.  But with a  smile on their face the same exact person who made you weary only moments before can seem like a warm and welcoming person.  This project was fairly easy and very enjoyable.  It was funny to watch as middle aged women primped themselves for a few quick photos.  Or to receive questioning looks because of my odd requests.  Some of the students and teachers were reluctant to have the photos taken, but only a handful of people turned me down in the end.  This project opened my eyes about the effects of implicit bias and how it effects photographers.  As a photographer, the way something looks is very important.  If someone looks shady or abnormal a photographer might not snap a shot.  I think getting to know someone before taking certain photos can be very important. This is important because who they are as a person should be portrayed the picture.  Looks can be very misleading so deciding about someone before getting to know them can lead to false portrails.

If you want to check out all my Smile photos, click on this link!


During this project, we were asked to take a picture of a person smiling and a picture of the person not smiling. I found it really difficult to do this project cause many people did not like having their photo taken.  Some changes I see are when people are not smiling they seemed rude and annoyed. They also seemed unwelcoming. Though when they smiled they seemed like the friendly warm welcoming person.  Being Bias can affect your job as a photographer because as a photographer you may be thinking is this okay or right to take a picture of this person. When you are talking to a client some questions I would ask is What’s your hobbies,? What your life like? and I would ask them to smile.

Here are the photos I took



To check out more of my photos check out the link down below!

So I Asked Them To Smile


The most difficult part of this project was getting people to make a serious face since everyone always assumes you want them to smile. I saw a lot of big differences, it’s almost scary.  You can tell in peoples eyes how they really feel and it’s cool to see peoples emotions change so fast. Bias can make the difference of whether you take a certain photo or not.  I think it’s important to ignore your personal bias. You should ask a client some background questions to get a good idea of what photos you should take.


The  hard part of the project was that you need to get a person to  photograph. The change on some people are that there look sad or depress up when they smile there look so happy. Bias can affect your job because you can think people don’t like photo or will not look good in a photo. I think the best question what is your background, job and hobbies.

My photo are here 



The project  is called smile because we had to ask people to smile and not for 2 picture.  After taking the picture you have to look at the picture to see the difference between both pictures .