
What was difficult was getting people to take pictures and sometimes approaching them. The changes I saw was their expression on their face and a change in mood. Being  bias could affect a photographer because they might not be comfortable with how the person looks so they could miss out on some pictures that would’ve been good. Questions you could ask your client is what makes them feel better or more comfortable taking pictures or if they want to do a pose. You can find the rest of my pictures here.

Smile Project

For this project, we had to take photos of stranger, one with them smiling and one without. I found this project very fun and interesting because you don’t realize how many people you subconsciously judge. This project forced me to talk to people I would have never asked for a picture of before. It was difficult to walk up to someone I didn’t know and ask for a photo especially when they said no. Some people you can really tell a huge difference when they smile and the world lights up. A photographer’s bias can drastically change their work. If I were to be hired, I would ask the subject what they would like the photos to convey and their overall life goal. This would get an accurate representation of who they are and the photo they would be most satisfied with. Here is the link to my photos from this assignment. 

Smile Project

One of the difficult parts of this project was finding the motivation to go out and take photos. Also you would have to step out of your comfort zone and ask people if you could take their photo. Now I see people differently, everyone has a nice part to them even if it doesn’t seem like it from the outside and with one question, you can see that. Being bias as a photographer affects my job because some people seem intimidating and the possibility of the person saying no breaks down your motivation fast. When I ask someone if I could take their picture, don’t ask them to smile or not. If they don’t smile, then I will ask him if I could take a picture of him/her smiling and Vice versa.  

All of my pictures can be found Here

Smile Project

This assignment was very interesting. We had to take 2 pictures of 15 people, one with them smiling, and one with them not smiling, to show how stereotypes that you have can be proven wrong. I see that when a person smiles, they look friendly and someone you would want to approach. I think when a photographer lets bias get the best of them, it could effect the variety of photos that the photographer gets. I also think that in order to get good photos, a photographer should ask questions that will get their client in a good mood. Overall, this project was very fun and you can see all my photos here

Then I Asked Them to Smile

In this project we had to take pictures of 15 different people that we don’t know, one with them smiling and one without. The most difficult part was asking the person to take a picture without smiling, some were really good at it but others thought it was silly. When you see a person smile it gives you a friendly vibe. I realized being a photographer that seeing someone smile, restricts you from being bias. being a Photographer you may disengage with others based on how they you perceive them, but once you get to know the person theirs a chance you can become friends. When hired, I would engage more into my clients and share a little about me in order to give me a chance of taking fantastic photos. Click HERE to see my Photos.


I think it was most difficult to find people who you don’t know and having to have them agree with you. The changes I see are, the person in the image may look so “straight faced” and then they smile and it like amazes you. Your bias as a photographer will possibly make you pass up the greatest photo opportunities. You should  ask the client, what they like and what would they say to describe them self. You can find my photos here.


In this project we had to go up to 15 different strangers and ask to take two photos of them; one smiling and the other not. The project was kind of difficult because some people said no when I asked to take photos of them. My perspective of the person changed from the first photo to the second. Your bias could affect your job as a photographer by making the photo look like how you feel about the person. If I was hired to take photos of someone, I would ask them questions like “ How would you describe your personality?” and “ What are you interested in?” Click here and here for my photos!

Then I Asked Them to Smile

The project is based on the work of Jay Weinstein, a photographer currently living in India.  We have to create a collection of “smiles” from inside and outside our building. We have to incorporate all the skills we have learned from all our past projects in this class. We should use lighting, composition, and color to make our pictures look… AWESOME! We have to use 15 people and none of them can be of our classmates (In this class).Each person should have 2 pictures-one smiling and one not smiling I found asking complete strangers if I can take their picture difficult. They seem nice both ways. It can change the feeling of the picture. If you can take their picture?

Here are my pictures.


It was difficult to go up to people and ask to take a picture of them. When the people were not smiling they looked mean or sad. When they were smiling they looked happy and nice. Bias could affect my job as a photographer because I might not want to take pictures of people who are mean but they could actually be really nice. When hiring someone I should ask about there personality and what they like to give the best chance of taking fair photos. See my photos here. 

Then I Asked Them to Smile

What was difficult with this project was getting the nerve to actually ask a stranger to take their photo. What changes I see with the photos is the eyebrows and mouth changing in ways that form a smile. Bias can affect my job as a photographer because I might not want to ask a stranger with a stern look that is actually very nice. The question I might ask to get a fair photo is “What are your favorite hobbies”. Click here to go to my slideshow