Set in the Street

For this assignment we had to take pictures inspired by Justin Bettman. we had to take pictures of us in a “kitchen” like what Carrie Mae Weems did. This idea is to take a picture of  a set in public and that has nothing to do with your set. when I edit my pictures in Photoshop I used the cropping tool, a black and white filter,  and A elliptic marquee tool. If I had to choose a place to take to tell a story of my family. I would choose the living room. The pictures you would see are my Mom and Dad talking and my sister playing with her dolls and my brother and I watching Netflix. If you want to see the rest of the pictures click here.


Set On The Street

Our project was called set on the street so we built set that would represent a living room but we had put it in a place that a living room would not belong in the middle of a hallway. To build the walls we had to use wood to outline the sides so we could put the dry wallpaper so you cover could the top of the wood. Martrels we had to use was a electric saw to cut the wood in to half because each wooden plank had to be 40 inches long. One thing that did not work was the hammering because when we hammered the pins down the pins would move in a direction because of how hard we would hit it down. Things that did work was when my group painted to front of the drywall.