The Kitchen Table

This project was a little bit of a dozzy for me. My team and I didn’t get some photos in time, I was internally panicking, and etc. However, all was well at the end and the project was nice. Our job was to take pictures at a “kitchen table” and portray mood/emotions in certain pictures. We also had to expose the set by providing a photo of it in the middle of our school. We then had to add a vintage look to the photos by setting the pictures in black and white and create shadows. To do this, we had to go to Photoshop and make the photos black and white (obviously). Then, we used the marque tool to encompass the light hanging from the ceiling, and press “inverse” to focus on the top section. Next, we set “feather” to 200 to blend the shadow that would be put in the next step. Lastly, we go to “curve” and pullback the line as much as we’d like to give the top section a mesmerizing shadow. This project was inspired by two famous photographers, Justin Bettman (staged different sets in New York) and Carrie Mae Weems (black and white kitchen table photos that showed a glimpse of her life). If I had to choose a place to tell my family’s story, I would take pictures of places in Russia like Moscow or Veliky Novgorod. You would probably see photos of the nature and old buildings that symbolize how my family (specifically parents and grandparents)  lived long ago. I can’t wait to see what we’ll do next!                                                                                           -Marie Valouiski

Rest of my edited photos here.

Set In The Street

For this project we had to take pictures that told a story around a kitchen table. Just like  Carrie Mae Weems did in her photos. However, we didn’t use just any old kitchen table. We built our own! In the middle of the school. This idea was inspired by Justin Bettman who took seemingly normal pictures, until you look at the zoomed out version. In order to edit our photos we used photoshop. We made our pictures black and white, then using the elliptical tool and a couple fancy settings we made it look like the light truly was shining on the table. If I were to tell a story about my family, I would take pictures in the car because we love to go on long road trips, and we spend a lot of time in the car. You can see the rest of my photos Here.

Set in the Street

For this project we took pictures using a combination of the styles used by Carrie Mae Weems and Justin Bettman. Each picture told a story within a kitchen background. All we had was a yellow wall, a kitchen table, a lamp, and some chairs which is Carrie Mae Weems’ style. We also took the picture in a public scene, inside the school which is Justin Bettman’s style. Carrie Mae Weems is a photographer that takes pictures in a kitchen which tells a story. Justin Bettman is a photographer that takes pictures in a public scene with only a background. This creates the illusion that the people in the picture is in a completely normal background but they may actually be in Times Square. For the pictures I took, I used Photoshop to edit them. In Photoshop I first turned the picture into black and white. Then I messed with the hues a little more to match the style of Carrie Mae Weems. After that I used the elliptical tool to highlight the area below the lamp. I then went to modify, feather, and then changed it to 200 pixels. I finally hit inverse to highlight the area where the elliptical did not cover. I changed the area to a darker hue so it made the darkness above the lamp more convincing. If I were to take a picture of my family to show a story, I would take it in the living room. This is because we mostly gather there and do most of our things there. At least at one point of the day, we are all in the living room. You would probably see us watching a movie, on our electronics, or doing other things. One of my edited photo and zoomed out photo is shown below. The rest can be found here.

Kitchen table

In this project we used a set that looked like a kitchen table to take pictures, each picture had a story behind it.

This whole genre of photos was created by Justin Bettman, the idea is to create a set in a public space, but the set has nothing to do with the place it is in. We created a set that looked like a kitchen table. The creator of this set idea is Carrie Ma Weems,      the  set idea is called  Kitchen Table Project. The photo shop tools I used were Marquee tool, Modify, feather and Inverse. this is what created the dark circle effect. If I were to choose a place that old my families story, I would choose the living room. Our family spends quality time watching movies there, when we go fishing we fix all the nets and rods there.  I would take Pictures of the couches, the tv and everything between because it all is tied to my family. If I were to take pictures you would see many things. My dad and brother in deep discussion, my sister playing on the floor with slime.

You can view more of the photos here

Set in the Street

See all of my photos here

We created a table and a blank background and took pictures like we are at the table. I used Adobe Photoshop to edit the photos we created. If I had to do this project with my family would be in the basement which is where all of my family hangs out. You would probably see a lot of mayhem with me my brother, my brothers friends and my parents would be pretty hectic. 

Set in the Street

Kitchen Table.  We had to take different photos of us doing an action at a kitchen table.  The photographers that were used for this project were Carrie Mee Weems and Justin Bettman. If you want to see their websites click their name.   The tools I used was the contrast of black and white, I used the oval marquee tool, feather, and inverse.  If I had to choose a place to tell my family’s story I would take it on the front steps of my grandma’s steps in El Salvador.  You would see a blue house, trees, and a whole lot of trees.  Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Set in the Street

The project, Set in the Street, was “inspired” by a photographer who created this photography project, Justin Bettman. In order to do this project, we must find a open place like a town (in this case inside a school) to set up a scene in the middle of the streets, hallways, sidewalks, etc. We also had to use Carrie Mae Weems photography project, the Kitchen Table project. This required us to take 4 photos of a scene on the kitchen table in black & white. After taking the photos, we had to make the 4 photos black and white. After that, we had to do any cropping that was necessary. We then used the elliptical marquee. We then had to click select on the top of the screen and hover the mouse over modify. Click “Feather” and set a number between or on 150 – 200. Go back to select and click on inverse. Click on the graph on the middle left side to set the darkness of the top of the photo. If I could choose a place to take photos, I would choose the one place where my parents first met, which was in Taiwan. The pictures you could see may include a lot of photos inside or outside of my parents car because that is where I spend more time with my family.

Click here to see all of the photos

Set in the Street

This photography project is inspired by photographers Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. We used Bettman’s idea of “Set in the Street” to create a photography set in a public area that has nothing to do with the photo. We combined this idea with Carrie Mae Weems Kitchen Table Project, where she took multiple scenes at a kitchen table, all of which expressing a different emotion. For this project, we created a kitchen table set in the middle of our schools lobby. We took multiple photos with different emotions, each emotion having one photo zoomed in and one far out. For this project, I used photoshop to edit my photos. I first converted them from color to black and white. After, I zoomed out very far to 5% and used the marquee tool to create a large circle just under the light. Then, I turned feather to 200 and inversed it. Finally, I added a curved layer and edited it to make the area darker. This gave the illusion of darkness above the light. We do this because realistically if it were dark one light would not make the whole room bright, just the area under. If I were to tell my families story, I would not use the kitchen table. I would probably use the couch in front of our TV or fireplace because that’s where we all eat dinner together and spend time together. Below are 2 photos I took for this project. You can see the rest of my photos here.

Set in the Street

This assignment was very fun. We had to take pictures in a built kitchen scene and edit them to make it look like we were in a real kitchen. The built scene was inspired by the photographer Justin Bettman, you can check out his website right here. The kitchen and way of editing was inspired by the photographer Carrie Mae Weems. You can view her website here. When editing these pictures in PhotoShop, we used the black and white tool, the marquee tool, and the curves tool. If I wanted to tell my family’s photo, I would take a photo outside because my family loves nature. This is one picture of the built set zoomed out, and one picture of our finished photo. You can see the rest of my finished photos here

Set in the Street

For this project we had to take pictures on the set, which was a kitchen table, and set up as scene for a photo there. This project is inspired by the photographer Justin Bettman‘s Set in the Street photos. the kitchen table set was inspired by Carrie Mae Weems and her Kitchen Table Project. The tools in Photoshop that I used were black and white, the marquee tool, feather, inverse, the cropping tool, and curves. If I could choose a place to tell my family’s story, I would choose our living room. The type of photos you would see are my family and I watching a movie or playing a game. You can find the rest of my photos here.