Rule of Thirds

In this project, I took pictures of certain people and things using the grid on the camera, which are the lines that sometimes show up on phone cameras. I made sure that everything was composed so that the important subjects in the photo were in a third of the photo, whether it was horizontally in thirds or vertically in thirds. Something challenging in this project was that I needed to find interesting enough subjects to take pictures of. However, I think My favorite photo would probably be this one or another one with writing on it (you can click here to view the rest of the photos).

Rule of Thirds

In this project, we took pictures using the rule of thirds. Rule of thirds is when there is a grid, and your subject is on a line or intersection of the grid. This causes the viewers eye to travel throughout the picture instead of looking at one place. Something that was difficult for me was figuring out what to take pictures of. It was easy to put the subject on line or intersection of the grid.

In this photo, I put the eyes of the smiley face on the intersections of the grid.
In this photo, I put Madison on the left vertical line of the grid.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Rule of Thirds

My favorite photo with a person.
My favorite photo of an inanimate object.
  • The angles that worked for me were the right line and the left line. I thought that this project was very interesting, and further along the line, i thought it was fun. I used the left line and the right line the most, these lines are imaginary lines that divide a picture into a tic-tac-toe board. If you line up what the focus is with those lines and points, the picture looks better.

Rule of Thirds photos.

Rule of Thirds

For this project, I needed to take photos of different objects but have them meet the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds is a grid of imaginary lines on your camera to help you line up your images in order to have the viewer focus on a certain point. I thought it was easy to imagine the lines on the camera that I used to position my photo. I just picked a intersection of two grid lines and positioned my main object at the intersection. If the picture also included the sky I would position the camera so that 1/3 of the picture was grass or ground and the other two thirds were made up by the sky. You can click here to see the rest of my photos.

Rule Of Thirds

For this assignment, we had to use the skill rule of thirds. This skill is used when you want someone to focus on an object in the picture. What worked for this assignment was making sure the person or object was lined up with the intersections. My thoughts of the rule of thirds is, I like it because it has the pictures turn out better. When someone looks at your photo they will be able to see the main focus. I thought this project would be hard but it was not and now I can take better pictures. What didn’t work for this assignment was having things in the background. the lines in this assignment are like a tic tac board. When you take the picture you want to have the object lined up with the intersections or the dots.

click here to see my other photos

Rule of Thirds

My favorite photo that was taken was the photo of the field. My favorite person photo was the picture of Marelin. What worked was the photos and how they turned out. What didn’t work was trying to center the photos to the grid. At first I was confused on what we had to do for the assignment but now I feel like I have a better understanding. We had to take a picture with a grid and center it to focus on one object.

Here are some photos

Rule of Thirds

For this project, we took photos of random objects/people. when taking the picture, we had to line up our main object with one of the 4 lines or line intersections on the camera screen. none of the main focuses of our photos could be in the center. Overall this project was very straightforward, so there were not very many challenges. The easiest part of this assignment was aligning objects with the rule of thirds lines on the camera. Here is a link to all my photos:

Below are my favorite photos of a street sign and a person:

Rule of Thirds

For this assignment, we had to use the grid on our phones, or camera to create the rule of thirds properly. The grid is created by 4 lines, 2 horizontal and 2 vertical. The 2 horizontal lines create thirds going sideways while the 2 vertical lines create thirds going vertically. These lines created 4 intersecting points, which are also the points that people focus on first. You wanted your focus objects of the photo to either take up 1/3, 2/3 or be on the intersecting points to create this project properly. The biggest challenge of this assignment was making sure I did it properly, because I couldn’t know if i did it properly since I am bias because I took the photo. To overcome this challenge, I asked other people what was the first thing they looked at in the photo, and if it matched up to what I was expecting, then I did it correctly. This project changed the way I take pictures because I realized, that the object that you want to focus on doesn’t need to be in the middle.

Link to all my other photos

Rule of Thirds

For this project I had to take photos using the rule of thirds. Finding objects to take photos of worked for me, and the lines helped me figure out where to align everything. It was hard to get the angle just right and ensure that the object you wanted to be the center of attention, was the main focus of the image. I thought this project would be fairly simple but it was a lot trickery than I expected. Everything in the image had to be just right or you photo would not be successful. I used the grid on my camera to align everything up and it helped me a lot when it came to positioning everything in the photo. I put the object I wanted the most attention to be on, on the actual lines of the grid. Here are the rest of my photos.

I positioned Antonia on the very left line of the rule of thirds grid

I positioned the top of the school with the lowest line of the grid

Rule of Thirds

In this project we had to take a photo using Rule of Thirds. This method is used to line photos up taking peoples view from one point to another. Using the grid on the phone you are able to take a perfect photo. The grid lined the photos and separated them into parts of the grid. One of the easiest parts of the project was finding a place to take the photo. The hard part was having to line the grid into the right position.

Click here to see my post