Rule of thirds

Rule of thirds was a very difficult project to work on because everything, line, and detail had to be exact. It was easy to find a setting outside on the line but doing it inside was very difficult for me to do.  I liked using a variety of places to take me photos. This definitely was not my favorite project but it was a good challenge! Here is one of my photos:

Google album link:

Rule of Thirds

In class this week we did a project called Rule of Thirds. For this project we were told to take at least one picture inside with people and one without and then one outside without people and one with people. To successfully take a Rule of Thirds picture you have to take a picture where there is something on each line of a grid. Rule of Thirds is when you align an object with the guide line and their intersection points. You then place the horizon on the top of bottom line. After we took all of our pictures we uploaded them to google drive and then downloaded them onto our computer. From there we edited them on Adobe Fireworks and and added our logo so that no one would steal our pictures. Finally, we uploaded the pictures on to google photos and created an album so that everyone can see the pictures that we took.

Rule of Thirds

Throughout this past week, I was required to take pictures following the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds is applied when lining up your subject on the guide lines and intersections. I did this by setting up a grid on my phone camera, in settings. The difficulties in this project were finding things to take pictures of inside, without people. I enjoyed taking pictures of the horizon, and outdoor landscapes. I took many pictures, applying the rule of thirds, but my favorite was this one…

In this picture, the bottom horizontal line lines up with the edge of the horizon (the top of the trees). This picture is my favorite because the sky is very bright, and vivid. To see more of my pictures go to…

Rule of Thirds

The RULE OF THIRDS!  I’ll be honest, I thought I was

better at this than I actually am.  I have continued to work on this skill and I have found that I have to think about doing it less now..  I have made a video and included 2 other videos below that will help explain this using actually images.  

This week you need to submit 4 photos. At least one of the photos needs to use leading lines and at least one picture needs to have a person as the subject.
