Pro’s vs Joe’s

As this is the last post of the class i will give a little review of the class and my post. It has been my favorite class of the semester as we get to really be artistic. My thoughts have definitely changed about photography as I now know it is harder. When I take photo’s now I always use Rule of Thirds so that it is a good photo. My favorite project was the Rule of Thirds as we had so much creativity. I don’t know if photography interest’s me in a career but I defiantly want to learn more.
This is my favorite photo of the class:

This project shows how my photo’s change and here is the Pro’s vs Joe’s

Final Post

This semester was fun. I learned a lot of things in this class and in this final project, I was able to display off of my skills. You will also notice in every single one of my projects Parmach makes an appearance as my typical model. This project was nice, easy, and simple. This class was pretty stress free, but boy am I glad it’s done. I was able to find all of my pictures easily. I’m glad I was able to improve my photography skills that I will most likely use subconsciously in the future. 

Final/Summarizing post

This semester has been very fun. I did not sign up for this class but I was very glad when it was substituted in. I used to think that photography was very simple and that anyone could do it, but now I know better. There are many components that go into taking the perfect picture; positioning of the subject and camera, lighting, etc. I liked all of the different projects that we did in this class. If I were asked to choose a favorite it would be a very difficult decision. I have changed the way I take photos because I always leave my rule of thirds grid on know and pay attention to the minor details. Photography does not interest me as a career because I do not think that I would be able to put my job before the lives, feelings, and emotions of others, as well as the emotions of myself. I would like to take photography as an elective in high school so that photography can be a hobby of mine.

My favorite photo that I took:

Last project

This semester was really fun because all of the different projects.  I liked this class because we had a lot of freedom to take different photos around the school. My thoughts about photography on have changed because i learned more ways to take photos and etc. my favorite project was the light graffiti because i found it rly cool. i would not find a photographer as a professional career because i don’t have a lot of interest in it. 



This was my favorite photo because the set was really fun to build




In this project we took 2 pictures, one bad/basic one and the other a good “pro” picture. This project is supposed to show what we learned during this semester.  My favorite project that we did this semester was the ” light graffiti” project. I liked it because, I liked playing around with lights to draw pictures. In this class  learned how to make pictures look  better using things like ISO, camera angle, etc. This was the best class of the two quarters that I’ve been in 8th grade. I still think photography is super fun and a great hobby that I enjoy. I didn’t change the way I take pictures because I already knew most of the rules. I might do photography as a side job but it’ll probably be just a hobby. I will take photography in high school if it fits in my very busy schedule.

My favorite picture from this semester:


Check out my pictures:



Throughout this year in class, we have done many projects centered on improving our photography skills. Our first assignment was designing a  creative brand logo to insert on our pictures. Afterwards, we did a number of other projects including “24 Colors”, “App Review”, “Infinite Background Portraits”, “Light Graffiti”, “Rule of Thirds”, “7 Days”, “Set in the Street”, “Newseum”, “Smile”, and “#ProLevel”. We had a chance to use editing softwares such as Adobe Fireworks and Adobe Photoshop in order to enhance our final products, too. In addition, we were required to write reflection responses on our websites that demonstrated our knowledge while allowing us to define the purpose of doing the project. Some of the highlights of this course was visiting the Newseum and putting together a mini “living room” in the main lobby for Arts Night. My thoughts have definitely changed about photography. Before taking this class, my impression of photography was that it was super easy, boring, and meaningless. I concluded that it was just taking pictures. However, I realized that photography has a deeper meaning it’s an art that calls for tons of practice and patience. In other words, it’s harder than it looks. I have changed the way I take pictures as well. Now, I use techniques like composition (rule of thirds), lighting, and color. My favorite project was “24 Colors” because it was challenging yet fun. I loved how you had to be original and think outside of the box. Photography does interest me as a career. No doubt, I want to continue learning it next year in high school. Not only does it teach you valuable lessons and allow you to see how much beauty is all around you, but it also enables you to capture a memory that lasts forever. Overall, it is thoroughly enjoyable and worthwhile!


This 8th grade photography we did a lot of stuff.  Starting with crayons, we had to go around the school with a crayon box to see what colors matched to what.  Next we did black and while infinite backgrounds, then rule of thirds, those were fun but they weren’t may favorite expectually the rule of thirds.  I say that because we couldn’t make it fun.  Next we did “What im grateful for” This was one of my favorite because we got to go back into our lives and really really realize what were grateful for.  Next was the smiles project, that was my favorite because I got to see the before and after pictures and that was really enjoyable. Lastly was the scavenger hunt where we went around the school to take pictures of a list of things.  Overall i really enjoyed the class, I liked the freedom of it a lot.


I really enjoyed doing photography this semester I learned a lot .My thoughts in photography have changed a lot because know I know why photographers get on their knees and look for good angles.Yes because now I have the rule of thirds grid on my phone

24 colors project was my favorite because I had to look for colors that matched the crayons. Photography doesn’t really interest me in a career because it can sometimes be hard and you don’t know how the people want the pictures to turn out. I would continue learning photography in high school because i want to learn more about photography.


Get my pics at ?


This project we had to reflect on everything we learned this semester and take photos of how we used to take photos and how we take photos now.  This quarter we learned how to take better photos by using rule of thirds, ISO, f stop, etc.  My favorite project of the whole semester was definitely light photography because we got to make cool pictures and do whatever we wanted to do in the picture.  My thought have changed about photography because I now know how to take better pictures.  Photography does interest me as a career because you can travel and take cool pictures. I have changed the way I take photos because I can now take better pictures.   Below is my favorite picture I took and a link to see all the other photos I took.

Final Post

This semester in photography was great. First, we did a crayon project, then portraits, then light graffiti, the rule of 3rds, smile, museum, and scavenger hunt. Before this class, I thought photography was boring but it’s not. Now if I take photos I edit them and use different angles and rule of 3rds. My favorite project was light graffiti because it was cool to see drawings with light. I don’t think I will be a photographer but I have become better at taking photos. Next year in high school I will probably choose photography as an art class.