Portraits Black Backgrounds

click here to see my photos

For this project we had to take pictures of people with a black background and make it look infinite. While taking pictures with the camera, we had to make the camera less sensitive to the light. when we tried to take photos against the black background with a lot of light sensitivity the picture looked like we were standing behind a background.

Portraits; Black Background

click here to see more pictures

For this project we made the camera less sensitive to light in order for the black background to look like it wasn’t there. I also used Photoshop to fix any shadows that appeared.To help us not have as many shadows in our pictures, we held a light in front of us which made the shadows not appear as much. One thing that made this project challenging was when people moved the slightest bit, the picture would come out blurry.

Black Background

My partners and I took photos behind the white background and edited it off of Photoshop. What worked was the fact we had a manual camera and still had decent pictures. What didn’t work was the angles we took our pictures in, it took a while to get the right shot. We also couldn’t get the best lighting, it took a while to get good pictures. Here is a shot of me, and after a shot I took. Click here to see photos.


We had to go in front of a black paper and take different pictures using a light to brighten the background. What worked was shining the light close to the person because it was very dark. What didn’t work was having low settings. Below is a picture I took of a friend. Here is a link to all of my photos.

Portraits White Background

To take my photos I changed the shutter speed and the ISO on the camera. I set the shutter speed to 1/60 and the ISO to 800 in order to get the infinite background. It didn’t work when I set the shutter speed to like 1/30 and higher because it absorbed too much light and the whole photo was way too bright or just white.

Click here to see my white background photos

Portraits Black Background

In order to take the black background photos we had to change the shutter speed and ISO. We put the shutter speed to 1/30 and the ISO to 800 or 1600. Sometimes when the background was lit too much by the light and the ISO was 1600 we could see the background and had to turn it to 800 and it worked.

Click here to see the rest of my black background photos

Portraits with White Background

click here to see my photos

For this project we had to take pictures of people with a white background and make it look infinite. While taking pictures with the camera, we had to make the camera more sensitive to the light. when we tried to take photos against the white background with no light sensitivity the picture looked like we were standing behind a background.

White Portraits

Check out white portrait pictures

This project included students taking a picture of other students with a white backdrop. Stuff that worked was not using the lamp because that kind of add too much light making it a longer time to edit pictures. Using the lamp was a bad idea.

Below is a picture of me with the white backdrop


For this project, I had to take portrait photos of me and my friends where the background, (black or white) looked infinite. To take my photos, I first had to adjust my shutter speed and iso. Then, I focused on my target and took the picture. To edit my photos, I first made the photo black and white and adjusted the brightness according to the background to make it look infinite. For my project, it worked to have a slower shutter speed on the black background and faster shutter speed on the white. This allowed the right amount of light to get into the camera and made my photos just the way I wanted them to look. It was very difficult to remove all shadows from my photos. Click here to see a link to the rest of my images.

White Portraits

For this assignment, we had to take pictures with a camera using manual mode, so we could learn how to be in control of the camera. For editing our pictures, we used photoshop, but we were only allowed to use a limited amount of editing tools, so we couldn’t rely on editing. The challenges of this assignment were making sure that there were no shadows in the background. The easiest part of this assignment was editing the pictures because we weren’t allowed to do much editing.

link to my other photos