Portraits with an Infinite Background

In this project, we took pictures of each other on white and black backgrounds. We had to adjust the ISO, Shutter Speed, and F-Stop on the camera. When we took the photos, we had to make sure that there was no shadow in the background. When I edited my photos, I adjusted the curves so the backgrounds didn’t have shadows on them. Something that worked was holding the lamp behind the person that was in the picture. The ISO was hard to figure out because it was different for each person.

Click here to see my light background photos.

Click here to see my dark background photos.

Portraits with an Infinite Background

This project was the hardest for me so far. We had to change our camera settings to manual so we choose everything. For this project, we had to change the Shutter Speed and ISO. Shutter Speed is how long the camera is taking the picture. You will know how long it is because it will take that long for the camera to click. The shutter speed for the white photo was quick and for the black it was longer. ISO is how much light is taken into the photo. For the white photo, we had to use a much higher one than the black. After we took the photo, we had to Photoshop them. For the white we had to make it lighter, and for the black we had to make it darker. Some things that worked for this project was the shutter speed. The shutter speed was the perfect time every time. The ISO, however, was very difficult. We had to adjust it for every person because everyone had different skin tones. It was hard to find the right one every time.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Portraits with an Infinite Background

My group’s process was mostly trial and error. We played around with the settings such as, the ISO and shutter speed until we got the right photo. For the white background, we learned that with a higher ISO and a faster shutter speed. Lower ISO’s didn’t fully capture the white background when we shot the photos for it. A higher ISO allowed the white background to appear more whiter. However, for the ISO we had to change it, so that it would match with the person’s skin tone. For the black background, a slightly lower ISO worked. We used a slower shutter speed for the black background.

To edit the photos, my group and I used Photoshop to make the white’s in the photo look more whiter and the black colors look more black as they would in real life. We also used Photoshop to make the person’s skin look like their normal skin tone and add our logos into the photo.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!


This is Kameran <33

In this project we had to make it so the background of our photos was “infinite” , we did that by flashing a light at the white backgrounds and for the black backgrounds we shined the light on the model. This made it so there wasn’t a really long shadow in the background. I feel like in the black background photos shining loads of lights on the model worked a whole lot but being far from them made it that you couldn’t see them. the picture above is one of my favorites, you can click here to see them all!

Black Portraits

For this assignment, we had to take pictures with a camera using manual mode, so we could learn how to be in control of the camera. For editing our pictures, we used photoshop, but we were only allowed to use a limited amount of editing tools, so we couldn’t rely on editing. The biggest challenge of this assignment was making sure the lighting was good. The room was dark, since we turned off all the lights to be able to get the best pictures we could, we used lights and we had to position them perfectly so the camera could pick up the light, and so there was no glare on the background. The easiest part of this assignment was editing the pictures because we weren’t allowed to do much editing.

link to all my other photos


For this assignment we had to take pictures on a white and black background. The most challenging part about the project is on the black walls we had to get the right amount of lighting so you could see the person. In addition the white was also challenging because we had to make sure there were no shadow’s. The easiest part of this project was editing the photo’s because we got to edit them how we wanted too. Link to my photo’s

White Portraits

While taking these photos, I had to edit the settings. I also had to play around with manual lighting. When the ISO was really low, the photos didn’t turn out. However, when I increased the ISO, the pictures looked a lot better.

Click here to see my pictures.

White Background

For this project, we needed to use a white back drop to make it look like there was not a background. We took a a camera and put the ISO on high and we played around with the shutter speed. We put it at a lower number to let less light in. We had to experiment a little with the lighting, but everything turned out okay. What worked was putting the light behind the person so the light was dispersed. What did not work was when the ISO was really low and it did not capture any light.

Here is a picture of me!
Here is a picture I took of my friend!

Click here to see more pictures!

Black Portrait

Click Here to See black portraits

This project included students taking a picture of other students with a black backdrop. Stuff that worked was using the lamp because it would add light to the face so it wouldn’t just be dark the whole picture. Using the lamp with color instead of the led light would make the picture look weird.

A picture of a person in my group is below

Name is Juan Correa

Portraits; White Background

Click here for more pictures

For the white background pictures we had to set the camera to where it was more sensitive to the light. Since we made it more sensitive to the light it made it look like the white background wasn’t there. We also held a small light pointing behind us so that there were no shadows. Something challenging in this project was if we were to close to the background you would be able to see shadows, and made it a lot harder to get rid of them.