
The process to get this photo was not super hard. You had to change the camera settings to make sure you only got a specific amount of light. Some camera settings were shutter speed, that helps you get rid of light in the pictures to make it look cooler, that one helped a lot.  Then, put the extra light somewhere to create a cool shadow effect. Some things that worked it that to put the light close to the picture and then Photoshop it out later on. Some things that didn’t work is when you were too close to the camera so then you had a shadow on the wall.

This is a photo of me taken By Jake Friedman


When I stated planning this class over the summer, I really wanted to have you take portraits with an infinite background.  We have a couple of challenges…. The first being that we are at a middle school and not a professional studio.  The second, we have cameras that have manual settings, but we don’t have professional lighting.  After a lot of playing around and doing some (some = a lot) of youtube watching, I think I have it figured out.

There a few terms that you will need to become familiar with before you can start this project. The terms are ISO, Shutter Speed, and F-Stop.  These are the 3 settings that we can control on the cameras we have available to us.

Use the link HERE to define the terms I listed above.

I will give you a quick tutorial on how I took my photos based on my research, but I want most of this to be trial and error by you.  This will be a “team” effort for sure.

Your post needs to include:

  • Explain the process you used to take your photos and edit your photos.  Camera settings, lighting direction, distance from background.
  • What worked? 
  • What didn’t? 
  • A photo of you (with logo)
  • A photo you took (with logo)
  • An active link to a Google Photos Album that includes a photo of each person in your group.
  • The post category will be “Portraits“.

Below are some of the pictures I messed around with while working through this.  I am still learning and want to continue to learn during this project. Be serious, be artsy, goof around, and just keep trying.


Examples of poses for men: https://www.thephoblographer.com/2014/12/26/portrait-posing-basics-18-failproof-portrait-poses-men/

Examples of poses for women: https://www.thephoblographer.com/2014/12/22/portrait-photo-basics-25-failproof-portrait-poses-women/