Portraits with an Infinite Background

During this project, I used photo shop to edit my photos, including this one of course. The process of taking my photos was about 3-4 days at the most, and it took a lot of patience because of the limited amount of cameras available. One thing that worked for the black background was having the light facing closer to the back wall of the person, so that you could have more of the “infinite background” effect. One thing that didn’t work for the light background was when the light was too close to the right or the left of the wall, because you would be creating a shadow that you didn’t want. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Portraits with an Infinite Background

Click here for my photos.

When I was taking photos for the white background, the settings had to be way different for when I was taking photos for the black background. During the white background pictures, I had to mess around with the ISO to make the picture and lighting different so you couldn’t see any shadows etc. During the black background pictures, I used the light to create different amounts of light on our faces so it would show up in the picture. Something that didn’t work was adding more light on the black background because it made it too light and you could see the background and on the white background if you were backed up, you could see your shadow. Something that did work was having multiple people in the photo which created a better photo in my opinion.

White Infinite Background

To take these pictures we had to play with the settings of the camera. We had to change the shutter of the camera to get different amounts of light in the picture. The more light the camera got in, the lighter the picture looked. Our best strategies was using our light towards the backdrop and aiming to the white background. Things that didn’t work well was aiming the light on the person because that made the person look like they were disappearing.

Click Here To See My Photos

White Background

To create an Infinite white background, we had to have a high ISO. It’s about taking pictures in a white background. Something that was difficult finding the correct ISO, and finding a correct angle so the shadow disappears. What was easy was posing posing and using the ISO when we found the correct one.

Click here to view the white background ?

Portraits with an Infinite Background

For this project I had to take photos of my classmates behind a white and black background. After I took my white photos I had to edit them in Photoshop to make them black & white and for my black photos I had to use the brightness and contrast settings to adjust the brightness in the pictures. What worked for this project was editing all of the photos. What didn’t really work for this project was finding the right lighting for everyone. It was difficult to not have anyone’s shadow behind them as we took the picture. The rest of my photos are here

White Background Portraits

This project was lots of fun and some challenges. Some of the challenges that I had doing this project is finding the iso camera settings and light shutter settings. Certain light shutter settings made the picture too light to see and some made it too dark. To not get a shadow on the picture you need the perfect combination of lighting and settings.

Click here for my light and dark photos

Light and Dark Portraits

In this project, we had to change the camera settings so that I could remove the shadows from the backgrounds and make an infinite background (light or dark). We had to change the ISO, Shutter Speed, and F-Stop on the camera. In the light pictures, It was hard to get rid of all of the shadows. The light that we could use didn’t work for us very well so we didn’t use it. In the dark pictures, it was hard to see the people so we had to position the lights so you could see peoples faces in the dark. For the dark pictures, we had to make the ISO lower to change the light sensitivity on the black background and the opposite for the white background.

Click here to see the rest of my portraits!

Infinite Backgrounds

In this project, I took pictures of people with black and white backgrounds. Using a shutter speed of 1/13 which is how long the film was exposed to light. We had to use different ISO for both our black and white background pictures. In order to capture more light in the picture which we used for the black backgrounds, we had to use a higher ISO and to disregard the light we had to use a lower ISO which we used for the white backgrounds. At first, it took a while to get the right lighting for the photos and for there to be no shadows in the background. But after some trial and error, we ended up getting it. I also think we had a different variety of poses in the photos which really made the photo stand out more.

Click here to see more of the white background photos.

Click here to see more of the black background photos.

White Portrait

For the white background I stood in front of the white background and I had someone shine the light behind me on the background so there wouldn’t be a shadow. That worked. What didn’t work was shining the light directly on me because that would have made a casted a shadow on the background.

Click here for my photos.