Black Background

My group had to take pictures of each other in front of a black background with a light on us. To get out photos we used a 80 ISO, a 30 shutter speed and a 3 f-stop. We had to set the camera to these settings in order to make it seem like the background We also had the light shine on the left hand side of their face which gave us a good outcome. If we were to shine the light directly on them we found there were shadows in the background. 

You can find the pictures below.

Black Background

For this project we had to change the ISO,F-stop, and shutter speed in order to make it look like there was nothing behind us. To get our photos we had an ISO of 80 ,F-stop of 3, and a 30 shutter speed. Something we had trouble with was using light to help, the light made the person’s shadow more visible as my group opted not to use it at all. Check out our other attempts here


This assignment was very fun. We had to take pictures of each other to make us look like the background behind us is black, but it’s not a physical background. It wasn’t very difficult to get the lighting right, but we had to work on making the background darker by editing the pictures. Here are two of my favorite pictures, but you can see the rest of them here

CAITLEEEEEN weird picture (^-^)

Black Portraits

To take the pictures, the person stood in front of a black background and we shined a light towards the back of the person. It was hard to get the light in the right spot but at the end it worked good. 


In this project, my group and I had to stand in front of a black background, and someone had to shine a light on the other person while somebody else took the picture. The shutter speed was faster, because we had to get less light in the picture for it to look like we were standing in front of nothing. What worked was when we were shining the light only on the person. What did not work was when we were shining the light on the background and the person, because if it was on the background as well, there would be a shadow, and that is not good. You can see the rest of my photos HERE.

Black Background Photo’s

First i had to get into my group. we each took pictures of each other and later then edit them. we had to change the color of the photo to fit how we wanted to look. I also had cropped the photo to a fit in a angle i wanted it to be. each photo had to have a pitch black background with a spotlight to make the person in the photo visible.What worked for me was angling the light to the background to have the head shot visible to see the person. what didn’t work for me was when the light was directly on the person, so what i did was shine the light off the person or faced the light right up to the ceiling for the light to reflect gently on the person. Click here for the rest of the picture.

Photos With Dark Background

For this project I had to change the shutter speed and the f stop and iso to create a darker background. To edit, I had to adjust some colors to fit into the black background. The lighting was hard to minimize because there were more shadows in our photos. Editing the brightness and contrast helped make the background more infinite worked very well and was quick and easy. 

Click to see the rest of my photos here

Portraits with an Infinite Background

To take the photos for this assignment, we had to take a picture of someone standing in front of a black background with a light shining on them to isolate them from the background. We then had to put it into photoshop and adjust the levels to make the picture look good. It was very easy to adjust the levels in photoshop and it really helped make the picture look good.  Taking the photos, however, took a lot of practice and a lot of focus to make it good. Click here to see the rest of the photos.


To take our photos we had to stand near a black background in a way that there was no shadows. We had to change settings on the camera and hold the light in a certain way for there to be no shadows and for the lighting to look good. It worked when we didn’t have too much lighting on the person. What didn’t work when we had the flash on the camera. See my other photos here  

Black Background Portraits

To take and edit my photos i needed a black background and a light and the lights off. Then we needed to go on photo shop and pick the best picture and edited them to make the background better. It worked to make the lighting face the camera inside of make the lighting face the bored and what didn’t work was using the flash on the camera. photo link: HI