Action shot

During this project I had to take 6 photos of people or objects midway in whatever they were doing. I then had to take a burst of photos of the person or object and the process of them doing it instead of just one part of the process. While the person or object was doing whatever they were during I had to try to get the perfect angle and had to hold down on the button to get the perfect action shot. A tip I would consider is starting at a low angle. I would want to photograph an NBA player about to shoot in the basket.

Here are more photos


During this project, I took photos of different subjects using different things to frame them. We framed our subjects so that when looking at the picture your eyes go directly to the thing being framed. This is my favorite picture because I took many photos and this is the best one. One challenge I had during this project was finding different frames to take a picture though. Go here to find more…

Rule Of Thirds

I think that overall what worked and what was easiest for me was aligning the person or the object with the lines. What didn’t work mostly was making the picture look professional and interesting. Before we started the project I thought that rule of thirds really wasn’t needed but near the end of the project I realized that it makes the picture look a lot better quality. I set up the shot with the lines over top of the main subject of my photo.

Here are my photos:–madipDg0d2OzLwFtQFbNU22spqx

5 Shots

In this project, we had to take pictures of 3 different objects in 5 different angles and a picture of a person. the different angles is the hardest part of this project because you have to have the right angle or else it will look bad. The hardest object to photograph was the crayons because there was a limited number of angles I could have done. Now I feel like I’m more creative in taking pictures and I can make my photos more interesting. Go here to find more photos…

Framing Your Subject

In this project, we used creative frames to make our subjects stand out in the photos we took. we could use frames such as trees, windows, doors, bookshelves, etc. This relates to the rule of thirds because in the rule of thirds we put people in certain places to make the viewer look at the subject first. In this project, we put our subject in creatively placed frames so that the viewer looks at the subject through the frame.

this is my favorite photo because it includes both rule of thirds and framing your subject. I am using the bookshelves to frame my subject (Sophia) which makes it framing your subject. The bookshelves seem to all be pointing at Sophia which adds a cool effect. She is also on one of the rule of thirds lines which makes it rule of thirds as well. I faced challenges when i was trying to be creative with my frame because it seemed like everything looked the same.

to see more photos click here

Rule Of Thirds

In this assignment you have to take photos using the Rule of Thirds Grid. It was hard to find objects and a good background to take a photo. It was easy to go outside and find things but if your inside it made is very difficult for me to find a good object. I thought that the Rule of Thirds were going to be useless in this assignment but they helped a lot to take the photo. I think now that I know how to use the Rule of Thirds it’s useful, and helps the photo very well. I use the left and right lines because they made the photos look nice with the background.


For this project, I learn how to take photos with framing. Framing makes photos interesting. Framing is different from rule of thirds because in my view the “framing” makes certain objects standout. Either the object that’s inside of the framing or the framing itself. On the other side, rule of thirds is the object that stands out on one the lines, shows background or foreground. One challenge that I faced was trying to find a good frame to take the photo.

click here to see my photos


For this assignment, we had to pick a subject (person or object) to frame to make the photo interesting. The project of framing the subject and the rule of thirds both have a relationship with each other. The rule of thirds has imaginary lines to make the photo have more than one focus, while framing has a physical structure surrounding the focus in the photo. I picked this photo below because the frame is the branches, which surround Marelin as the focus. When I was working on this project it was kind of difficult for me to find the right frame for the photo. Click here to see my photos

Framing project

For our framing we had to take a photo using different things to frame the picture like door frames, fences, door ways, etc. Some challenges to this project were finding the proper frames.