Getting Close

In this project you were supposed to take a picture of an object up close but you weren’t able to zoom in. You were trying to be it look like something you can see the whole object, it was supposed to be part of an object. For this project big objects worked well, what I did was put the camera really close. Sometimes the camera was blurry, but some objects you could tell what it is right away. I would do this sometimes if i did have the equipment but it seems really hard to find the right object.

click here to see all my pictures.

Macro Photography

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In this project we had to take photos of objects up close without zooming in but instead we had to get as closes as we could without the photo getting blurry. in your camera, you had to turn it to manual mode for the camera to focus well. It was easy for me to find good objects to take photos of but actually taking the photo was difficult because the camera kept getting blurry. If i had the chance to take a photo up close, I would take a picture of a leaf to see all of the tiny lines in the leaf.

Gage's Gorgeous Photography 2019-04-23 18:57:57

Action Photos

For this project, we had to take pictures of people or objects in motion. In order to capture good images, we used the burst mode on our cameras. This gave us many photos of the object so we could choose the best ones. If you are trying to take good action photos, Use the burst setting on your camera. This will make capturing a picture at the right time so much easier. This will give you a variety of photos so you can keep the ones you like. A sport I would enjoy photographing would be mountain biking. You can catch photos of people getting lots of air on their bikes, and even the occasional crash! Here is a link to all my photos. Below is my favorite picture.

Action Shots

For our action shots, we had to take pictures of people in action or doing something like jumping, running, etc. For this project, we had to go outside because if we go inside, the photos wouldn’t look good. I took pictures of my friends jumping, jumping over hurdles, and catching a football. I used my phone to take photos for this project and I used the Burst mode on the camera. The camera has to stay still for the stacking photo or else it wouldn’t be photo shopped well. I would want to photograph pictures of people swimming.

Click here to view my other photos.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset


In this project, we are experimenting how to take photos in motion. I learn the coolest thing in this class is to stack photos in Photoshop. A stacked photo is basically taking variety of motion photos and converted into multiple different figures. A good way to catch a good photos is to hold the camera still then keep clicking the burst as the object moves. A good tip is to stand still or change the camera angle. I would like to take a photo of a goose flapping its wings.

Click Here to see my photos.

Action Photos

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in this assignment, we were told to take a picture of someone while in action. The picture could not look like it could be framed and it could not be blurry. It was hard for me to capture the right moment and for it to not be blurry at the same time. it was easy for me to do the stacking of the photos, for me it didn’t take that long for me to understand how to do everything in Photoshop. For me, it helped to put the camera in a setting where it could take photos at a high speed. this helped capture the moment and also have your subject not be blurry. The setting is called sports mode which can be found in almost all cameras. If you are trying to take action photos and your subject is jumping, it is best to put your camera/ device on the ground so that it looks like your subject is jumping much higher than they actually are. I would love to take pictures of people doing gymnastics or skateboarding, i feel like the picture would end up very unique and interesting.

Catch the Action

For this project, we had to take photos of an object, or person, in motion. This does not mean blurry photos, but it is photos that cannot be staged. To set up for this project, I had to change the shutter speed on my camera to be able to take multiple photos at a time, or a “burst” of photos. A tip for someone trying to take action photos is to keep your camera as still as possible, to get the cleanest image you can.

Link to all my other photos.

Catch the Action

For this project we had to capture a moment where there was action and we couldn’t pose for that specific action. I made sure to set up my camera in a position that is a little bit unique and will give an interesting perspective on the action. One tip is to make sure you don’t move your camera because it will really mess up the quality of the image in the end. If I would photograph any action I would photograph someone skydiving because it seems like such a surreal moment. Here is a link to my photos:


For this project, I had to take photos of people in motion. My subjects had to be doing something that you couldn’t pose, like a ball flying through the air or a jumping human. If you are taking action photos, I suggest that you keep your hands very steady and time your photo right so the subject comes out very clear. I would like to photograph action in football if I could. There is so much movement and contact going on it would be very interesting to photograph. I chose to have a person running down a hill for my stack because there are lots of possible frames and lots of movement. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Catch the Action

In this project we had to take pictures of an object that’s in mid air or in a position that you can’t actually pose for. What helped me to capture the image was taking multiple picture’s and after to choose which one dose it seem the best. For someone taking these type of picture I would recommend to have a lot of patience to take the pictures. If I could choose a sport to take pictures of is diving because you can take a lot of pictures that you can’t pose for.

click here to see all my pictures