24 Colors

My Assignment was to take 24 crayons find the same shade of the crayons and take pictures of it. This is one of the two that I posted 
and also my favorite. One of the hardest parts of taking theses pictures was sometimes were to high and i need to have a friend help me. one of the easiest parts was to find the basic colors.You can see the rest of my photos here.

24 Colors

In this project, I took 24 crayons and found objects around me that have the same colors. Some challenges of this project are when I found something I wanted to take a picture of, and finding the right angle to take the picture. Sometimes, it would come out weird, because some objects were in front of windows, making everything in the background dark and hard to see. Another challenge was making sure that similar pictures and colors did not look alike, and making the pictures look interesting. What I found to be easy in this project was taking the actual pictures. I found that part fun too, because I liked looking for cool ways to position the crayons on, in, or next to the objects. I really liked this project, because it was a fun challenge to find 24 objects to match the crayons I had. To see the rest of my pictures, click here

24 Colors

In this project, I had to take 24 pictures of 24 different colored crayons that matched the objects around me. Some challenges of this project if finding the exact color, knowing which angle was best, when and if I want flash, and reaching things that are in high spots or corners. Sometimes, the picture would come out weird if I was taking it next to a window or when I was taking it with a background that was farther away. What I thought was easy was finding things I wanted to take a picture of, and I got ideas easily. I really liked this project because it was really fun and challenging.  You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.

24 Colors

For the 24 colors assignment I had to take pictures of things that match the same color as the crayon. the challenge of this assignment was that i couldn’t fine things that were the same color so some crayons don’t match the object. I think that the most easiest thing was to take picture even though some turned out blurry. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

24 Colors

This assignment was very fun. We had to be observant and look for colors around us, that fit the colors of the crayons, and take pictures. A few colors were very similar, so it was difficult to find objects that fit those colors, but in the end it turned out well. Here are 2 of my favorite photos. You can view the rest of my photos here

24 colors

24 colors

For this assignment we had to get a box of crayons and find the exact same color. The challenges were fining the specific colors of Blue and Purple. There were many colors that looked the same and were harder to find. It was also hard to make sure that my finger did not show up in the picture. Sometimes I would forget to make sure that either the whole Crayola sign should show, or none of the Crayola sign should show. I think the easier colors were the plain colors like White, Black and Grey. I found many pictures of those colors. The Green, Oranges, and Reds were also easy because I found objects to match those colors fast and very easy.  The rest of my photos will be posted here

24 Colors

For this assignment, we had to get a box of crayons and take a photo of each crayon with something that was the same color. One of the challenges was finding something the same color as some of the crayons, like the oranges, or some of the greens. I found it easy to not get my hand in the photo. You can find the rest of my photos here.

24 Crayons

For my first photography assignment I had to take pictures of 24 crayons with each of them next to their own color. Not only was it just taking pictures of crayons next to its color, It also showed me all of the colors around us. One Challenge was finding a color for every type of blue and purple, Finding each shade was very difficult. It was also difficult to position the crayons so that they wont fall. If you use tape on the crayons it could be noticeable by the glare of the tape. Some things that I found easy was finding brighter colors such as green, yellow or white. You can find my photos Here