Action shots

For this project we needed to take pictures of someone or something in action. Tips I would give someone would be don’t move your camera and make sure everything stays in frame. The sport I would want to photograph basketball or football. Overall this project was easy because you just had to make sure you didn’t move your camera.

my photos

Close Up

My favorite photo was the flower because it is really pretty. What worked well was getting close enough to take the photo. I did try something new which was taking really close pictures. One of my challenges was finding stuff to take. If I had the time I would like to take a close up of Brooke Balow because she is so pretty.

Here are some photos

Catch the Action

In this project, we took photos of objects or people in action. While taking these photos I tried to keep the camera low to the ground, in order to, make sure the image gives the impression of someone or something in motion. Also I tried to have have less motion in the background of the photo. This makes the photo easier to edit, along with, allowing the subject to be the main focus. If you are taking an action photo I recommend keeping the camera still. Shaking the camera will increase the difficulty of editing and, if you are creating a stacked photo, it will make it look better. If I could I would want to photograph an action shot of a gymnast. A gymnast would be constantly moving in a photo and performing interesting skills.

Click here to see my photos.

Close Up Pictures

For this assignment, we had to take close up pictures of an object. What worked well was holding the camera close to the object. I tried taking pictures with different and interesting angles. What was hard about this project was making sure the pictures wouldn’t be blurry. It was difficult to find things that would work well because a lot things were not interesting. I didn’t have any issues with the camera. I would like to get raindrops up close.

click here for my other photos

Action Pictures

In this project we had to take pictures of things in motion/action. In order to capture good images I had to hold down the shutter button on my iphone so I could catch things moving without blur. Tips I have for someone else who’s doing the project is to 100% hold down the shutter button. If I could photograph a sport it would be football because that is my favorite sport. Here are my pictures.

Up Close

For the project, “Up Close,” we had to find small objects or a close up of a large object and we needed to take very close photos so that the object itself would take up the whole shot. We went outside to take photos because there was good lighting which makes the photo look much better. I also tried to take multiple pictures of the same object with different angles to see which one looked the best. It was difficult to make the photo look clear but sometimes the camera would become blurry. It was also challenging to find different unique objects around the school. If I ever had the equipment, time, and ability to get really good photos, I would like to photograph the petals of a flower.

Click here to see more.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset


The concept of this project is to focus on taking photos of a person in movement. When I was taking my photos, I wanted most of them outside, I used the clouds in some of my photos to capture my action photos. If someone else were to create action photos, I would recommend them to be patient because these shots take time. If I could take an action photo of something else, it would be a cat yawning.

Click here to see my photos

Up Close

In this project, we had to take pictures of objects from a very close angle. It was challenging to get objects to focus, especially on my phone. Because my phone had no manual focus, you had to stay a certain distance away from the object for it to focus. It was easy to position our objects in a rule of thirds style. If I had more professional photography equipment I would take close up photos of tiny rain drops on objects Here is all of my photos.

Processed with VSCO with preset

Getting Close

For this assignment, we were told to get close to an object sand see it’s detail and texture. For most projects in this class we need to see the big picture and overall view but this project we had to find the detail. It was simple for me to find objects that I wanted a close up of being that everything has texture. One challenge was getting close to the object but also allowing the camera to focus. I used the app VSCO to help me with this which was new to me. If I had the right devices I would get a close up of a fish because I think the color and texture would be very interesting. This is my favorite image that I took. Here is the link to all of the photos I took.


Click here for my photos.

In this project we had to take pictures of people or things in action. Such as, telling my friends to move or just seeing an object and telling someone to kick it or jump over it. One thing that helped me a ton was having my camera on burst so I could capture everything, so that would be my one major tip of capturing a good photo. I would take a picture of people jumping because it shows them off the ground which is something you can’t easily create. There can be many types of action photos that you can take but it was easiest for me to ask some friends to jump up to catch the perfect photo.