Macro Pictures

For this task, we were asked to take very close up pictures of objects, as close as possible without the object or image becoming blurry. For this project I found it very helpful to use the VSCO Camera app on my phone to focus my photos. I hadn’t ever used this app before, so I was surprised at how helpful it was to take better quality photos. I found it kind of challenging to find some interesting and different objects to take photos of, instead of just basic things like flowers. Although it was slightly challenging to take creative photos, I did not have trouble using my phone to take photos. If I had the right equipment and ability, I would like to take close up pictures of flowers, because I find them very interesting to look at and fun to take pictures of.

Click here for the rest of my photos.

Catch The Action

For this project we had to take pictures of objects in motion. In order to help capture good images, I pre-focused on where my subject would be, shot low to the ground so their feet were above the horizon, and took continuous photos for the time they were in the air. Some tips I would have for someone trying to take action photos are to be patient, pre-focus on where your subject will be, and shoot low to the ground so it looks like your subject is higher in the air. If I could, I would photograph swimming.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Catch The Action

For this project I took pictures of a person that was in motion. I had to fine an angle to make the picture go from left to right. If you were to do something like this I suggest to take the picture from the side of the person. I would want to take a picture of a person that is maybe trowing of catching a ball or something.

Click here to mt photos on how I did this

Macro Photos

In this assignment, I had to get all close and personal to the objects I was taking photos of. I had to try my best to have it as clear as possible, as well as close up. One thing that worked out for me was the amount of objects I had the ability to take photos of. However, there was a hard part, and that was getting the camera to focus on the main object. I used an app called VSCO, which was new to my camera-taking experience. If I had the patience and correct stuff to take a good, closeup image of something, I would possibly attempt to do a bundle of raindrops on a single leaf. To view more of my macro photos, click here!


For this project we had to focus our cameras on something up close and try and make it to where if someone looked at your picture, they wouldn’t know what it was. For example I took a picture of a dandelion and it is focus on just part of it rather then the whole thing. This makes it harder to tell what it is and also shows the small details. One thing that worked well was using the vsco app and using the + sign. This focused the camera onto small parts of the=different things I took pictures of, and made the background slightly blurry. One thing that was challenging, was sometimes the camera wouldn’t focus so it took multiple tries to get the camera to focus on the object. If I could do this project again with better equipment I would like to take pictures of small insects and flowers to see what they look like in further detail.

Click here for more pictures

Action Photos

This project was a project that included students to take picture of something that is in action or being done and something that isn’t stationary. I would use a countdown and also I would use shutters because it would picture would be taken faster, and I could just use the photos with action in them. A tip for starters is having patience because it takes a while to get really good pictures as well as use the shutter option in the camera. i would want to photograph Swimming because it would look really cool when someone is swimming and water is splashing everywhere to where you can see the drips of water in mid air.

click here to see my Action photos

catch the action

This protect is about Capture people’s movements. About motion capture, the iPhone has a great setting that allows you to take a picture continuously with a long press of the shutter. I use it and the rule of thirds. I hope that the person being photographed can make the most of the action, and the photographer needs to find a good angle to shoot as soon as possible. If I can, I want to shoot a dancer, it is very beautiful, just like the picture I took below. My photos

Action Photos

For this project we had to take pictures of something being done that could not be posed for. We had to take the picture while the person or thing was moving or performing their action. In the picture above I took a picture of Lizzie kicking the soccer ball. I used the the burst feature on my phone to make sure the picture wasn’t blurry and Lizzie and the soccer ball were in focus. For other people trying to take action pictures I would recommend to stay focused and be persistent with taking the best picture you can. Also using “burst” on my phone was helpful to get the best picture because you get many pictures to choose from. If I could photograph any sport, I would photograph dance because I could get pictures of people doing different jumps in mid-air. I would also photograph dancers because I could go to different ballets and performances and take pictures of the dancers during the performances to get different action shots of them.

Click here for more pictures


For this project, we took pictures of people and objects in motion. During this project the pictures should not be blurry, they should be in focus. A tip I have for people trying to take action photos is making a burst and choosing the best one. This helps it to not be blurry. I would like to photograph cheerleading because I think the shots would be very cool.

Click Here to see the rest of my photos

Catch The Action

In this project you needed someone moving and you needed to take many pictures. At the end you needed to put all different pictures into one. In the picture, Mr. Fitz took one of me jumping over the bench in a suit to make it look cool. If you want to take a cool picture like this, you need to stay still and let the person posing do all the movement. I would want to take a picture of someone kicking a soccer ball. Click here to see photos