5 Shots

In this assignment I had to take 5 different pictures of 3 different still objects (one had to be a human) from 5 different camera angles. The hardest part of this assignment was trying to get all 5 different camera angles. My chair picture was the hardest to photograph because it was in a corner so I had to find a way to get pictures from the back of the chair without having myself in the picture. The project helped me learn more creative ways to take pictures.  

Click To See My Photos Here

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment I had to get 3 objects and take 5 different pictures. The challenge of this project was getting 5 different angles for one object without doing the same angle. the hardest one was probably Zach because it was hard not taking the same picture. This project helped me understand that some angles make an object look better. For my photos come here

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment you had to take one object and create 5 shots at a different angle every time. Also, you had to have 3 objects in all and have 15 photos. One of the objects had to be a person. A challenge during this project was finding 5 different angles. I always thought I had got 5, but then I realized that some photos were the same angle. The person was the hardest to photograph because you had to find a perfect place for the pictures and because you had to ask their permission to do it. This project helped me figure out how to take a picture of the same thing, but with different perspectives.

You can see the rest of my photos here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment I had to choose one person and two objects to take photos of.  I took 5 pictures with different angles for each. A challenge for this project was getting all the different angles,and making the object look good. For example, I had to stand in a bush for the photo below. Definitely, the flowers because it is hard to get all the angles and find the correct place to stand. This project helped me to realize there are more than just one camera angle to take pictures with. To see the rest of my photos click here

24 Crayons

For the 24 Crayons  project I had to take one box of 24 crayons and take pictures of different things that matched each color in the box. I took some of my pictures in my school and other places in my neighborhood. I found that this project was actually challenging. I thought that finding each individual color was hard to do. Especially holding up the crayons on the wall and then getting a good picture. The easiest part of the project was finding the basic colors.

These are my two favorite pictures that I took. To find more you can click on this link.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment we had to take 5 photos of an object, but in 5 different perspectives. The challenges were once I got to the 5th shot, I had ran out of ideas for different perspectives. It was hard to photograph the tree because I couldn’t take a picture from above, so I had to find another perspective. This project helped me look at things in different ways.

View my photos here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment, I was told to take 5 different pictures of  2 objects and 1 person. One of the challenges I faced when working on this project was that I couldn’t take a picture in the same position. I had to move in 5 entirely different positions. Lauren was probably the hardest object to take a picture of. She had to stay really still and remain in the same position. This project really helped me get a sense of  how to take multiple pictures efficiently. Next time I have a photo shoot with my friends, I will remember everything I’ve learned from this project. 

Click here to see all my photos, here

24 Colors

In this assignment we had to use a 24 box of crayons and match it was objects. It was really fun but it got so stressful finding some colors. I went to Micheal with my friend and we spent almost 2 hours finding colors that match the crayons. It was challenging because I would find stuff with the same color but on camera they looked different. Also I kept dropping the crayons and broke a lot of them like I accidentally dropped a box of crayons in a flower pot when I was taking a picture, but luckily I was at Micheal so I just bought a new pack. It was easy to take the pictures and to edit the photo because they didn’t need much editing. Overall, this was a fun project and a good start for this class. HERE

24 Colors

This is my 24 Colors post. This was my first photography project, and it was pretty fun. I got to walk around my house and the school to find things that match the colors of the crayons. The challenges were finding things that were the right color. It had to be pretty close to your color, and that’s pretty hard. The easy part was editing them in fireworks, because i have gotten used to it by now. My 2 favorite pictures were the pictures of the recycling bin and the leaf.

You can find the rest of my photos here.

24 Colors

This assignment was about finding colors that match crayons and taking a picture to resemble that color. You had to go around the school and find colors that matched your crayons. Some challenges of the project were trying to find the right color that matches. I always thought I found the perfect match, but it ended up not matching at all. Another challenge was trying to keep track of what pictures I took. I flipped the crayon over to remember that I did that color already. It was easy to find the basic colors like white and black because they were everywhere in the school.

You can find the rest of my photos here.