Action Photos Mattia Izzi

For this project we had to take pictures of people in the middle of an action. We also had to make a stacked image. I found it best to take pictures of someone in the air because they are obviously not staged and they look pretty cool. For the stacked images it was much more convenient to take bursts of photos instead of manually taking every pic. I’d like to photograph a plane flying by if I could. Here is one of the pictures…

Here are the rest of the photos.

Macro Photography

In this project we had to take pictures of items really close up – macro photography. In order to get really good detail close up I just put the camera in macro mode and put the lens as close to the object as possible while being focused. The most challenging part of the project was making sure that it was focused. With the small objects and lots of wind it was really hard to see if the camera was actually focused. If I had the equipment, time, and ability to get there I would like to photograph leaves with water droplets on them really close up.

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Closeup Pictures.

This task included students to take pictures of things but getting really close to the object to get the detail of the object. What worked well was to take pictures in the shade because you could get better light. If you take pictures in lights then it would be hard to capture the detail because of the light in the picture. it was difficult to take good pictures because sometimes it would only focus for a little time and so you needed a good time so you can actually get a good picture. If I had the time,equipment,and ability than I would take a picture of maybe an alligators head or eye because they have different shades of color in their eye and so it would look cool.

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Macro Project

This project was basically to take photos indoors and outdoors, and get up close to things that are hard to tell what they are from so close up. I like this project, because it wasn’t that hard to get close up photos and take them, but it was very hard to get an angle at witch it looks good. I would probably want to visit the Galapagos islands, and take pictures of the amazing exotic species.

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Close up

In this project i had to take a picture of an object close up and including all the details. What worked well was finding a object to do this project right. Some of the challenges in this project were having all the details the object had. It was not difficult to find an object. If i had the time i would not want to do photograph close up.

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Up Close

For this project we had to get a close up picture with it in focus. It worked well when I used the vsco app and used the focus feature. This was the first time I tried this. It was challenging to keep the objects still and in focus while taking the picture. If I had the time and photography equipment I would like to take a macro image of an eye.

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Getting Close Up!

In this project we had to find an object and take close up pictures. What worked well was the fact the weather was beautiful that day, it made things glow. The challenges were finding the perfect looking objects, it wasn’t difficult everything was laid out, and I had no camera issues. If i could I would take close up pictures of spiders because they are cool. Click here to see photos

Close Up

For this assignment, we had to go up close to an object and snap a picture. For this project, we could not use the zoom option or else the picture would look grainy. For this project, I found that when using a phone, we can not go up too close to the object or else the phone will not focus on the object. This was the most challenging part about this project. We needed to be close, but not too close, or the picture would not turn out well. I would want to go to a garden and take pictures of flowers up close, bumble bees, bugs and a lot more.

Here is my favorite picture

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Action Photos

In this project we had to take a photo of a person doing an action. Say if a person was jumping we would take multiple pictures of that person doing one action. We also had to mess with he lighting and find different angles that would work for the photos. The part of the project that was most difficult was when we had to place all of the photos into one having the person in many positions.

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Catch the action

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for this assignment we had to take pictures that were in motion. For this assignment we took all the picture we took and made it into one showing that the person was in motion. I messed with the lighting and the angle in order to take good photos. One tip I have for taking action photos is to make sure your in the right position to get the whole frame of the picture. i would want to photograph a football game if I could.