Getting Close

For this assignment I had to get extremely close to any object of my choice. What I tried for this project was putting the camera lens up close to the object and just taking a picture. A challenge was keeping the camera focused for all of the photos. If I could take a close up picture of anything it would be a butterfly. Because I could get some cool photos of there wings. The rest of my photos are here

Getting Close

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

For this assignment I had to take interesting photos of 10 different objects or materials. In order to get a good photo I had to get the focus on the right object, otherwise it would be blurry. Something that was difficult was finding the correct positioning of the object in order to create an interesting photo. Another thing that was hard was finding a good subject because if it was moving you had to make sure its focused and if its still you have to make sure the object is in focus and the background is more blurry. I think I would try to take a close up of a butterfly or some type of marine animal because I feel like those photos would be so pretty.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Getting Close

The overall idea of this project was to take pictures of objects very close. Some things that worked well for this project were using different apps such as VSCO and not our regular IPhone camera. The camera settings in VSCO had a better ability to take pictures up close compared to the IPhone camera. Some aspects that were challenging were not being shaky and making sure the picture wasn’t blurry. It wasn’t that difficult to find subjects that were interesting to take pictures of. I would like to photograph an eye up close.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Action shots

The assignment was to take pictures of things in motion. And not motion that can be faked with a pose, the type of motion that can only be photographed in the moment. The most challenging thing was finding different dynamic action shots to do while still making them actions that cant be faked with a pose. The easiest part was capturing the image because It was just a matter of catching the perfect moment and while tedious at times was the easiest thing.

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Action Shots

In this project, I (attempted) to take photos of things in action. Unfortunately, my surroundings and environment are not as exciting as others so most pictures were as simple as flags in the wind. I didn’t do much in settings, but I took bursts with moving subjects hard to capture on the spot. If someone is taking action shots for the first time, I would recommend using a high resolution camera because things can easily get blurry and the quality can deteriorate. Also, the shutter speed should be quick so the camera can capture the action quickly. If I could choose, I would take action shots of swimmers because the water effect would be cool.

Click here to see the rest of the photos.

Action Photos

This project was different from the other ones as instead of taking a picture of a still object, I took a picture of things in motion. To capture these fast moving pictures I used the burst mode on my phone. To take action photos you need to find a photo of an object in motion, where you can’t recreate it in a pose. If I could choose a subject to take a picture of it would be swimming because that is a big part of my life and I do it every day.

Click Here For Photos

Action Photos

In this project, we took pictures of objects and people moving. For example, I took pictures of people jumping. For this project, I used burst mode on my phone. This let me take multiple photos at a time. A tip that I have for taking action photos is to take them outside, so the photos aren’t blurry. If I could photograph any sport, I would photograph swimming because the water moving would look really cool.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Catch the Action

In this project we had to take photos of objects and people in motion and one photo of an action stack just like the one above. When I took the photos I held down the camera button in order to get the whole shot. I looked for the best photo in the clutch and then used that photo. I think people trying to take these photos should learn to find good angles for the photo so you aren’t taking it from a straight angle. Also you should use an actual camera because they are better quality then a phone. I think I would want to take action shots of a soccer game. The perfect shot of that would to get the ball in the air or a person taking a throw-in.

click here to see the rest of my photos

Catch The Action

In this project, we had to take pictures of things in action. To take the photos, I held down the camera button which took a burst. This allowed me to get the best pictures out of all of the ones I took. In order to capture good images, I had to set up the main subject in good lighting and take multiple photos. I would recommend taking a burst because bursts allow you to see multiple photos of the same action and one of them could be the shot you are looking for versus trying to take one photo and get the timing right. Another thing I would recommend is patience. Patience is key in order to get the best shot of the action. If I were to take photos of an action, I would do it of a dog running.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Action Shots

This project is about taking a lot of photos, and the edit the layers so that one person or object is moving on the screen.

I made it so that I made rule of thirds on, so it made the photo pop.

One tip for taking action shots is make sure that the person is going fast enough to not overlap.

+I would like to take action photos from Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

action shots.