24 Colors

In this assignment, I had to use a box of 24 crayons and find backgrounds that matched the crayon colors. One of the challenges of this project was when I lost two crayons. I lost my white one inside of a vent and the other color of the second one I lost is unknown. One thing I found to be easy would be taking pictures of the black and blue crayons. You can see all of my photos here.

24 Colors Project

For this assignment we had to take pictures of objects that matched with the colors in a classic 24 color crayon box, and then attach our logos to our two favorite photos. The most challenging part of the project was when I got down to a couple of colors left, it was a bit hard to find things in the school that matched these colors. One color that was especially hard to find in the school was violet/purple. It was pretty easy to get all the basic colors done though, like red, green, blue, etc; because those colors are everywhere around the school.

To see the rest of my photos go here

24 colors

In this assignment we had to take pictures of crayons all around the school and outside. The pictures had to match one of the 24 crayons in the box. This project was super interesting to actually see the different colors in a new perspective. Although, there was definitely some challenges such as finding a color that would complement what we were taking a picture of. This project wasn’t just hard, there was definitely some ease to the project. Such as being able to take a picture of pretty much anything that matched one of the 24 colors. Down below there are some of my favorite picture. If you want to see the rest of the photos, click here.

24 Colors

This project was about taking pictures of crayons using the matching color on objects. The 24 colors project really made me notice the environment and the beautiful colors around the natures. The challenge i faced while doing this project was to actually find the matching colors. This was challenging because some of the colors were rare and that made it difficult to find. Another thing i found challenging in the project was to get a good angle of the crayon so that it’s visible and so that the picture isn’t blurry. On the other hand something I found easy was to upload the pictures into drive because my phone automatically had drive and google photos so my pictures uploaded from photos to drive easily. Down below are two of my favorite photos. You can see the rest of my photos here.