Getting Close

During this project, we had to take photos of living and nonliving things. We had to find objects and get really close to them and take pictures. I used the app vsco to take my photos. When taking the photos is was challenging to get close enough to the object without making the photo blurry. It was fun photographing this up close because sometimes you can’t tell what it is. I found it super easy to find things to take photos of. . (Do you know what my photo is of?)

Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Action Photos

This is a picture of Kameran Williams doing a cartwheel in out stairwell. To capture her in a full movement I put the camera in burst mode to get all the movement. I recommend using burst mode and when taking the pictures stay in the same position the whole time so your pictures will be easier to edit. If I could, I would want to photograph track, someone doing the 40 yard dash. However in this project I had to take multiple pictures of action then I had to put them together in Photoshop and clean up the edges. To see 6 single action pictures click here.

Up Close

This was a fun post but it was kind of difficult project. It was hard to come up with good ideas for pictures. Something that worked well was taking pictures in the grass because there is usually interesting things there. I would like to get an up close picture of a animal if I could.

Click Here for the rest of my photos

Getting Close

During this project, we took pictures of objects up close. We held our camera close to the object instead of zooming in. Something that worked well for this project was using the app VSCO to take the pictures. VSCO has a setting that changes the focus of the camera, and that helped my focus on the subject. A challenge that I had was finding things to photograph. It was also hard to make the camera focus on the subject. I think that it would be cool to photograph a bee on a flower. Overall, I liked this project.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Action Project

For this project, we had to take unusual action pictures that couldn’t be replicated easily. We had to go outside to take the pictures because inside the pictures were blurry. To set the pictures up I started a burst and had the person do the action. To take action photos, come up with interesting actions to make it stand out. A sport I think is cool to photograph is swimming but when the picture is taken from underwater. To see the pictures I took click here.

Action Photo(s)

In this project, we had to basically do something that requires consistent movement, but show the entire action in one photo. One thing I did to capture this image to it’s full potential is make sure that my editing was neat and realistic. I needed to make sure that each shot came together smoothly and didn’t look “choppy”. One tip that I have for you guys if you want to take this type of picture, is to have patience. It’s sort of difficult to get the right/a good picture if you’re impatient. If I could take and action photo of one sport it would have to be track and field. Specifically hurdles. Click here to view the rest of my action photos.

Up Close

For this project, we had to take pictures of things from very close. For this project, I used VSCO for the first time because a normal phone camera won’t be able to zoom into the object from very close. Something that worked well for this project was finding the objects around the school. Even though you could get closer to the subject with VSCO, there were still some issues with the camera and getting too close to the subject. If I could go anywhere to take a photograph of a close-up, I would probably go to a rainforest and take close-ups of animals and plants that can be found there. Click here to see more close-ups.

Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

Macro Shots

This project was about taking pictures of little things up close. I had to get up close, make sure the camera was set to macro, and and then make sure it was clear. I would recommend using an actual camera, not a phone for this project. If I could, I would want to photograph an ant.

macro shots

Action Shot

This project was weird and fun. I rolled down a hill. The end picture I love it looks amazing and really cool i’m happy it turned out so well. The difficult part of the project was rolling down the hill editing the photo wasn’t as challenging as a thought it would be. Overall it was a good project and it showed me what i could do with photos.

Click here

Getting Close

During this project, I had to “Get Close” to my objects. This means we had to be about 1-3 inches away from our objects. We had to find different angles to find the exact spot we wanted our photo to look like. Some things that worked well for this project were that I had the perfect length between my camera and the object so it focused and I could see the textures of the object which was new for me and my photos. One challenge I had was that sometimes the subject was moving and I couldn’t get close enough to take an actual good photo. On the other hand, finding subjects was easy and I didn’t have any issues with my camera. If I could, I would want to photograph a jelly fish close up because their tentacles are so interesting. Overall, I really liked this project and it made me realize how many things I look at are so interesting when looking close.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.