1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment, we had to find a total of 3 objects (one of them being a person) and take 5 different photos of it in 5 different angles. The most challenging aspect of this is project was to take different angles of 1 object. It was challenging because if you didn’t choose a right spot to start with you would soon run out of different angles. The hardest object to photograph was a person. Sometimes the model wouldn’t like some photos so it became a little bit difficult to work with. This project helped me loosen up and take different angles that I wouldn’t have thought of taking before.

Click here to see my photos!

Here is my favorite photo out of them all!

3 Objects, 5 photos each.

For this project I took 2 people and a bench and took 5 photos of each of them for different angels. The real challenge was finding different angels for the bench. The hardest thing to photograph was the bench. This project helped me realize that I need to expand the angels I take photos from.

Click here for all photos.

24 Crayons Project

In the 24 crayons project, I had to go around the school matching crayon colors with objects that have the same colors as the crayons. The hardest part of this project was when I had to find colors that matched the orange crayons. There were very few things that matched orange in the school. The easiest part was probably finding blue in our school. I learned that there is lots of blue in our school and not a lot of orange at all.

Click here to see the rest of my pictures!

24 Colors

One of our library’s Black Eyed Susan book , with the red crayon.

During this project, I went through a lot of trials and tribulations. Some of the challenges I experienced were finding a matching background for my crayons, and getting my camera to focus on really bland areas. Another challenge that I went through was trying to balance the crayons so you can see their labels. On the other hand, I also experienced a lot of easy moments. For example, one easy thing was when we had to actually take the pictures. Therefore, this was a good beginning project, and it was a good way to transition us into the rest of the semester. I learned that taking pictures is not as easy as photographers make it look. The picture I put above is my personal favorite out of all of my other pictures, which you can view by clicking here.

24 Colors

In the 24 color assignment, I had to take a box of crayons and match each color to something around my school. The most challenging task for this assignment was finding 24 different places to take my photos. The easiest part was actually taking the pictures. I enjoyed messing around with the lighting and the angels of the camera. My favorite photo I took is the one below.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

24 Colors

Our cafeteria’s “Mighty Mini By Hershey” ice cream sandwich and Crayola’s Dandelion.

While creating this project and taking pictures, I went through some great accomplishments and challenges. Some of the challenges were finding crayons that matched the background well enough to take pictures of. Another one was making sure I had all 24 colors and not having multiple takes of the same picture mistaken for another color. However what I found to be rather easy was the placing of the crayons and the balancing. Overall this was a good “first” project for us to do, it was an easy and smooth transition into our future assignments. I learned that when your camera wont focus or the picture just doesn’t seem to fit your expectations, try to take the picture from another angle. The picture above is the one I personally like the most out of all of the other pictures which you can see if you click here.

24 Colors

In this assignment I had a box of 24 crayons. I walked around the school looking for the best color matches for every crayon. The most challenging part of this assignment was finding exact color matches. The easier part of this assignment was finishing the pictures on time because we were provided enough time in class. My favorite picture is the one below. Click here to view the rest.

Crayon Project Color Hunt

In the 24 crayon assignment, I had to get a 24 crayon box and match it to one of the colors around the school. One of the biggest challenges for me was to find the perfect match for the color. The easiest part of the project was using the camera. My best and my favorite picture I took was the one above. If you want to see more of my photos, click here to view more.