3 Objects, 5 Photos Each

In this project I took five pictures of two people and one object each from different angles. The challenging part of this project was getting different angles for each object. The hand sanitizer was me was the hardest to take a picture of because it was on the table and was hard to get every angle. This project helped me think about where I angle my camera when I take a photo.

Click here for the rest of my photos!

5 Shots

In this assignment, we had to take pictures of three objects and take 5 pictures of them at different angles. One of the challenges I faced during this project was the camera. The pictures taken of the camera were blurry and I had no idea why. The easiest object to take was the calculator because it was something I owned so it was easy to find. Click here to see all my 15 photos.

1 object, 5 shots

In this assignment we had to take pictures of objects, but get 5 different camera angles of the object. I think a challenge for me was thinking of 5 different angles to use for the photo. I think the hardest picture to take a photo of in 5 different angles was somebody wearing a pair of shoes because it harder to get good angles. This project showed me how to take pictures without using the same angle over and over again.

Click here if you want to see more

Five Shots

In this assignment, I had to find at least three different objects (including people) and take five pictures of them in five completely different angles. I believe that one genuine challenge in this project would be when I had to stop myself from being repetitive. For example, when I took a picture of the wet floor sign above, I would make the mistake where I would take the picture of the front angle of the sign, but then follow up by simply walking to the back of the sign and taking the picture in the same angle, just a different spot. I believe the object hardest object to photograph was the fork, because it’s hard to get certain angles when the object is a nearly flat object. This project helped me to get better at knowing what angles work for what object. For example, while I was getting pictures taken of me and taking pictures of others, I realized that the lower angles look kind of funny, and don’t really look that great with actual people. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

1 Object, 5 Shots

Our security guard Darren Gregory (Lakelands Park Middle).

Overall we the main goal of this assignment was to find 3 objects/people and take 5 pictures with 5 different angles. The biggest challenge was determining what was just different position from a different angles. I liked using people as my object to take pictures of because it was easier to photograph rather than a stationary object, in my opinion. This project helped me determine what was a new angle and what was a different position. This is my favorite picture that I took for this project, however I have 14 more in which you can see if you click here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment, I had to pick 3 objects and 1 person and take 5 photos without moving the object. For each photo had to be taken in a different camera angle. A challenge in this project was making sure that the camera was focusing on the right part of the object and finding the right angle. The hardest object was the shoe because the camera wouldn’t want to focus on the shoe. The project helped me become more creative with my camera angles and helped me see different objects from a different angle. Click here to look at the rest of my photos.


This assignment was to take 24 crayons of different colors and match them to different things of simmilar colors. The most challenging thing was to find matches for things like dark blue or light purple. besides that everything was pretty easy


One Object, 5 Shots

For this project I had to find at least 3 objects and I had to take five different angles of each object. One of these objects had to be a person. One of the challenges of this post was finding good angles. Another was keeping the object centered. I had a hard time with the chair just because it would spin all over the place which made it hard to keep centered. I think I will now have an easier time with centering objects because of this project.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

One Object, Five Shots

For this project, I had to find one object and find five different angles for each object. For example, one would be on the ground and another would be six feet from the ground. I had to do this for 3 objects so, a total of fifteen photos. A challenge during this project was finding a good background. On one of my photos the background had other materials in the photo and I had to change the background. The object that was the hardest to photograph was the person. You had to find the right angles to make them look better them normal. This project helped me find new angles and heights which all in all, made the ending photo better.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.