Portraits with an Infinite Background

My group’s process was mostly trial and error. We played around with the settings such as, the ISO and shutter speed until we got the right photo. For the white background, we learned that with a higher ISO and a faster shutter speed. Lower ISO’s didn’t fully capture the white background when we shot the photos for it. A higher ISO allowed the white background to appear more whiter. However, for the ISO we had to change it, so that it would match with the person’s skin tone. For the black background, a slightly lower ISO worked. We used a slower shutter speed for the black background.

To edit the photos, my group and I used Photoshop to make the white’s in the photo look more whiter and the black colors look more black as they would in real life. We also used Photoshop to make the person’s skin look like their normal skin tone and add our logos into the photo.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!


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In this project we had to take portraits of other and ourselves. It was lots of fun to see the end result. Some challenges I had was the camera settings and lighting we had to find a perfect lighting and camera settings so we could get a perfect picture. We had to play with the iso camera settings and shutter speed. Some things that were easily was taking the pictures after we got all the settings. Overall the portraits we took to make it look like we had an infinite background was a fun learning assignment.

1 Object, 5 Shots

During this assignment, we had to pick 3 objects including 1 person. We needed to take pictures of the objects at 5 different angles. The most challenging part was finding an object that can be taken 5 different pictures of and still look good. The hardest object for me to photograph was the purple flower. It was hard for me to photograph because the flowers were only facing in one direction. Making it difficult to get a good looking picture. This project really helped me learn to take pictures at new and better angles. I inserted my favorite photo below. Click here to view the rest.

5 Shots

In this project we had to find multiple objects the take 5 pictures is all different angles. The challenge in this project was finding the different angles without them looking alike. the hardest object the photograph was a person because they look the same from both sides. This project helped me learn that objects can look totally different from a new angle. Click here to see the rest of my pictures.

5 Shots

For the 5 shots assignment, we were asked to pick 3 objects, one of which had to be a person. We had to take 5 shots of the 3 objects from different angles without moving the object. One of the challenging parts of this project was when I had to take a picture of a person(Harel). He did not do a good job of standing still. The easiest part of the project was finding an object to take pictures of. I learned that angles aren’t the same thing as moving your camera, it is tilting and rotating it to get the right photograph. See the rest of my pictures here.

5 shots

This is a picture of my model Kameran<3

In this project we had to take 3 pictures on having to be a human, and had to take its in 5 different angles. in this project you had to find the right object to take a picture and then right place so you have 5 angles that was a challenge in my opinion. Definitely Kameran she was difficult, she couldn’t stop laughing when we tried to take a picture of her, it was super funny. I believe that this helped me find different angles and that made other options when I take other pictures. the main picture above was my favorite picture of all and the first, if you would like to see them all click here !

24 colors

This picture was taken in the music hallway from our school !

This project was a series of crayon pictures matched with the same colored objects around our school! There were many, many challenges during the making of all these photos, such as making sure it wasn’t blurry or making the crayon balance on something that was unstable, or anything in general. I think out of everything the hardest thing was making sure all the colors match ! the easiest thing I believe was making sure the color wasn’t repeated and finding a place to put it on the object, all though it was, like I said difficult to balance. My favorite picture out of all was the one I displayed above and you can see the rest if you just click here !

3 Objects 5 Photos Each

The project assignment was to take pictures of 3 objects (2 people) and take five pictures of different angles for each picture. The most challenging thing for this project is was finding 5 different angles for each object. The hardest thing to photograph was the plant because I couldn’t find a good under angle. This project taught me how to find more angles than just the standard one way angle.

Click here to see my photos.

5 Shots

In this project we had to take pictures of 3 different objects (1 had to be a person) in 5 different angles. Thinking of the different angles was probably the most challenging part of the project was thinking of the different angles. The hardest object to photograph was the crayons because there was a limited number of angles I could of done. Now I feel like i’m more creative in taking pictures and I can make my photos more interesting.

Click here for the rest of my photos


For this assignment, my classmates and I had to take 24 pictures of crayons blended in with objects of the same color. This project was very difficult to find colors exactly like the crayons. Especially in our school, a very non colorful place, we had to be very observant of our surroundings. It was easy to take the photos of the crayons because they are so small.

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