
Click here for my photos.

In this project we took pictures of objects up close. We had to take the pictures so that people couldn’t recognize the object easily. I found taking pictures of plants easier than taking pictures of other objects. Some of the challenges of this project is finding an object to take pictures of and getting the camera to zoom into the object you want to take a picture of. If I had time and ability to get there, I would take an image of a bird. I’ve always wanted to see one super up close so it would be col to take a picture of it. I want to take a picture of its face to really get up close and see all of the features.


The project was to focus on the small things and not just the large things of the world should be looked at its the small things that count. I had a great time taking these photos they were needed to be taken at different angles compared to normal. The problem with this problem was to take very high quailty photos. And one of the last problems was to get good lighting. If I could I would try to take a photo of the moon if I could since it memorizes me.

Click here for my photos


During this project, we had to take photos of living and nonliving things. We had to find objects and get really close to them and take pictures. When taking the photos is was challenging to get close enough to the object without making the photo blurry.Overall This was a fun and easy project. It was easy to come up with good ideas for pictures. I would like to get an up close picture of something cool.

go here for rest of the photos ?

Macro Shots

This project was about taking pictures of little things up close. I had to get up close, make sure the camera was set to macro, and and then make sure it was clear. I would recommend using an actual camera, not a phone for this project. If I could, I would want to photograph an ant.

macro shots


In this project we took pictures of object up close. We have to take the pictures in such a way that people cant recognize the object easily. I found taking pictures of animals easier than taking pictures of other objects. Some of the challenges of this project is finding an object to take pictures of and getting the camera to zoom into the object you want to take a picture of. If I had the equipment time and ability to get there, I would take an image of a tarantula. I’ve always wanted to see one in real life so it would be amazing to take a picture of it. I want to take a picture of its hair. My pictures are here.

Getting Close

My project this week was to take photos of objects close up (this is called macro photos). It gives you a new prospective as you take photos up close. For this project I had to make sure that the photo was focused so if it was getting fuzzy I adjusted the angle I was taking it in or the brightness. The challenging part of this project was making sure the photos weren’t unfocused and finding alive subjects to take photos of. If I had the equipment I wouldn’t want to take photos up close because it seems difficult.

You can my photos here