Light Graffiti

For this project we had to change the camera settings so that the camera could focus on the light of our flashlights in the dark. We had to change the shutter speed to 10 seconds and change the ISO to 100 so that we could draw with our flashlights for 10 seconds. This was the most stressful part of the project. We had to draw everything we wanted to draw in 10 seconds! We also had to make sure that the flashlight was directly pointed to the camera. In this project taking photos of one person worked. When we had multiple people, it didn’t really work. For example, in the tree photo we took, Lauren and Mr. Fitz had to connect the lines of their flashlights so that the leaves of the tree would connect to the stump of the tree. If we did this project in the future, I would want to use more color lights so that we can create more ideas that we had. Click here to see the rest of my photos, here

Light Graffiti

We used a tri-pod to stand the camera up, and we used the bulb setting, so the shutter didn’t close until a certain amount of seconds later, depending on how much time we needed. We tried to use as little time as possible, nut then we couldn’t get our whole design into the picture. This meant that we had to use more time, but then the light didn’t come in as good as it could be. Nothing really frustrated us except for when the light picture didn’t come out the way we wanted it to.

Find all photos here.

Light Graffiti

We took our pictures by changing some settings on the camera and had our shutter stay open for a certain amount of time. It worked when we used different colors to create something. It didn’t work when we used glow sticks or lights that weren’t very bright. It was frustrating to try and draw something but it wouldn’t come out the way we wanted it to. We can make the project better by drawing more things and using more colors. See the rest of my pictures here. 

Light Graffiti

This assignment was a very cool experience for me. The purpose of this assignment was to make symbols, pictures, or words out of a light source. We used manual then set our ISO to it was lowest value to make the light graffiti. Then you set it to a certain amount of seconds for however long your picture takes to draw. A challenge I faced was getting the camera set up in order to let the camera turn the light into light graffiti. Something that was easy for me was shining the flashlight to make a symbol or shape. This was easy because wherever I moved the light would appear. Something I could improve for next time is making more complicated symbols or using multiple group members to complete it. 

Click here for the rest of the photos 

Quinn’s Light Graffiti

I took my photos by going to a dark room and using phones, glow sticks and flashlights to draw objects and our name.  The first set was making the camera lined up in middle right where you want to take your photos. Then we change the setting too this allowed us to take as long as we need drawing with the lights. Someone had to hold down the button then let go when the others where done drawing. Then we had to wait for a few seconds to allow the picture to prepossess. The thing that work was using our phones as lights. My group and I had an idea to go online to find a plain color background then we took a screenshot, turn up the brightness, then we drew.  The things that didn’t work was trying to draw a landscape, this was really had to color all the way in. The things that frustrated me was standing still because if you moved you could end up fuzzy. An idea I have to take this project to the next level is to take a photo of a landscape with people or animals then you try to recreate the same image. The same colors and try to add ideals into the drawing. Below is my favorite photo from this project and if you would like to see the rest of my photos click here.

Light Graffiti

For this assignment, we had to draw/write with lights. We had to leave the camera shutter open for 5-10 seconds to capture the drawings. If you went over your drawing it usually wasn’t as accurate and didn’t look as good. Also, when writing you had to write backwards for it to read forwards on the photo. It was hard to work in larger groups and still get everything done. I would have liked to redo certain photos but there were to many ideas to go back. If we were able to bring Nerf guns into school it would be fun to do a Star Wars esque gun scene with the red lasers coming out of the guns. Below is one of my favorite photos I created and here is the link to the rest of them. 

…and your watching Disney Channel

Light Graffiti

For this project we went to the gym to create light graffiti in the dark. We first had to turn off all the lights and set up the camera. To take these types of photos we had to change the shutter speed so that the camera would stay open for a long time to take in the light while we draw the image we wanted to create using light from our phones or other light producing object. The camera we used had the bulb setting which allows us to keep the camera open for as long as we wanted to which allows us an infinite amount of time to draw our images. All we had to do was hold the button that takes pictures until we finished, then the light graffiti image will be created. If we wanted light to show up we would shine the light towards the camera. If we wanted to highlight an object we would shine it away from the camera, while “highlighting” the object. What didn’t work for this project was drawing “perfectly”. It was difficult to remember where we already shined the camera at and how big the camera’s range was. What was easy was that we had the bulb setting which allowed us to draw as long as we wanted, unlike other cameras that only gave you several seconds. I was frustrated at my group sometimes because they would fool around or they couldn’t draw very well. Also at some times the camera would act weird and if we didn’t draw the picture fast enough, the light in one area would be much brighter than the rest of the picture. I think that this project would be even better if we had several people drawing at the same time with many different lights. We could draw a forest or a city which would be cool. One of my favorite pictures is shown below. It is a picture of my name, but the k was cut off due to the lack of room. The rest can be found here.

Light Graffiti

In this project, we created light graffiti’s using light. We had to change the camera setting to bulb. We then had to hold down the button on the camera that takes the photos. This will make the camera track the light until we let go of the button. What worked in this project was setting up the camera setting and taking the picture. The hardest part of this project was drawing something with light towards the camera without knowing where you have already drawn with your light. We could use a a mirror to reflect light towards the camera.

Click here to see the other photos

Light Graffiti

In this project we created photos with Lights. To take the photo we changed the camera setting to bulb. We then held down on the button that takes photo’s.  This makes the camera track the light the whole time. So if you make a line with your light, a light appears on your photo. It was hard to make good original ideas,  also it was hard to communicate. There were 2 specific people who irked me. But making the photos was hard to, you can’t see the things that you are writing, you have to picture the image in your mind. Also our group barely made the deadline. Something that frustrated me was how some people were fooling around a lot. Something that could make this cooler is if we used mirror’s to reflect the light.

Light Graffiti

Light graffiti was probably the best project so far. Although, it was hard to set up, once we had the correct setting it was so easy. We set our camera to bulb. That allowed us to have as much time as we needed to create the picture. There was many things that worked in this project. Such as setting it to bulb because it allowed us to have the most time to take the picture. There was definitely so challenges with this project. We had to figure out how to make the shot clean and easy to see. The most frustrating thing was when our group had such a good idea, but it didn’t work no matter how many times we tried. We could take this project to the next level by adding objects to light up and a ton of people. If you would like to see the rest of my photos click here.