Light Graffiti

So the first thing we did was mess around and get a feeling to doing the pictures once we got the hang of it. We started making things we wanted to do. One thing that annoyed us was trying to write something correctly or get the light in the right place. but the rest was pretty easy. You can see the rest of the photos here.

Light Graffiti

To take our pictures, we used flashlights from our phone and colored lights to include colors. On our camera, we had to change the ISO so that our lights could be seen in the dark without showing a lot of  the background. Also, we had to keep the shutter speed open for a long time so we could make the picture. We didn’t have to worry about time because we had the ”Bulb” setting on our camera so the shutter speed was open as long as we wanted. A problem that we had was that the camera was making me blurry so we had to refocus it a lot in order for it to focus it on me. Something that was frustrating was making our tree look organized and neat because we used two different colored lights to make it. To take this project to the next level, we could be doing the project with nobody else in the gym so that other peoples lights didn’t flash into our shot.

Click to see my photos here

Light Graffiti

To take our photos we had one person behind the camera and another in front of the camera if it was just a one person photo. We had them turn on the flashlight and then cover it with their hands. Then once the photo was taken they uncovered the flashlight and started drawing with it, phone facing towards the camera. They had about 15 seconds until the photo started developing. This worked well, and group pictures were much harder because you had less time to get everyone where they needed to be. To take this project to the next level, I would recommend colored glow sticks so your pictures can be in color, and be even cooler and easier to tell what they are. Click here.

Light Graffiti

This project was about taking pictures in the dark while using lights to make scenes and or regular pictures. The light made visible and glowing lines in mid air. We used our phone flashlights and light up finger rings to make our scenes. The challenges that came with this project were making sure the lights were in  the right place. We also had to make our scenes fast before the picture was taken. The easiest part of this project was coming up with our scenes.

Link is here

Light Graffiti

For this project, we had to change the settings on the camera so it sees light in the dark. We take the picture then we have 15 seconds to draw whatever with our flashlights. It was very easy to come up with ideas of things to draw, as there are a lot of things you can do like draw wings. However, drawing it was much harder. You can’t see as you are doing it so you have no idea what you have drawn and what you haven’t. it was very frustrating to draw things like smiley faces faces because they require you to cover and uncover your flashlight. Something that would take this project to the next level would be different color lights. If you want to see the rest of my photos, click here

Light Graffiti

We took our photo’s in the gym and the camera was in bulb setting. If we wanted the person to be in the picture, we shined them in. Then we drew what they wanted around them. We kept accidental facing the camera away from the camera. It was super annoying when we had to redo a picture over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Next time, we should get more colors for the pictures. 

Here are the rest of my pics.

light graffiti

For this project, I had to change the ISO (100), F-Stop (5.6) and then the shutter speed to Bulb. What worked was shining the light straight at the camera. What didn’t work was when the camera didn’t focus and the whole picture was dizzy. What really frustrated me was the number of times you had to retake a photo just because it’s blurry or because nothing is lined up. To take this to another level you can’t make a stop-motion movie out of the pictures. For the rest of my pictures come here.

Light Graffiti

My group took our pictures by taking our lights (Phone or mini light) and putting them in various formations. We set up the camera and kept it opened for 15 seconds. I took this picture by making lots of dots and lines. It worked vary well to have many people working at once to achieve the drawling. It was harder to remember to turn off the light when walking away because it produced unwanted lines. I got really annoyed when the lights would get really thick and produce a lot of light. Causing there to be no real shape to anything.

Light Graffiti

I took these photos by using a light source to draw a design in a specific camera mode. It worked easily when we knew what we were designing and had the time we needed planned out. What didn’t work as well was some group members did not have enough time to get their whole design in because the camera wasn’t giving them enough time. And sometimes it gave us to much time so we were waiting to long for the photo to load. What frustrated my group was that we couldn’t get our exact designs because we couldn’t see what we were drawing while we were drawing it. To take this to the next level, we could plan out what we wanted to draw and practice drawing it until it is perfect. We could also try more advanced techniques. The link to get me other photos is here.

*Light Graffiti*

The room was completely dark. Just flashlights, cameras, and creativity in the room. We used manual settings and lowered the shutter speed to about 15 seconds. Many people needed to be involved in order to create different light objects in the picture. Covering the light after finishing your design was very helpful, to ensure the object drawn was clear to see. Tracing the object after drawn over and over again messed up the drawing. Many people did not trace right over the object and ended up scribbling too much; to even tell what the object drawn was. Every second counted and time was limited working within the time meant everything! Sometimes we took too long and had to start over this was incredibly frustrating! This project really does not need anything else to be changed or looked at twice. Click  here to see all my other photos!