last post

  • Review of the whole semester
  • Have your thoughts changed about photography?
  • Have you changed the way you take photos?
  • What was your favorite project? Why?
  • Does photography interest you as a career?  Will you continue learning next year in high school? Why or why not?
  • Share you favorite photo in your post.

This whole semester was great fun. My thoughts have not change about photography. yes i have changed the way i took my pictures and how the lighting should be and stuff. my favorite project was the 24 colors because i got to get a box of colors and i took a picture of my favorite color.

Last Project…

The first semester was so fun! I enjoyed learning more about using cameras and exploring with angles, lighting, and settings. My thoughts have changed a lot about photography, I learned how to take photos and how to process every little detail taken within the shot. I have changed the way I take photos, I use the rule of thirds in many more of the photos I take. My favorite project was “Black Portraits”, because I took many great photos of my friends, and learned how to incorporate lighting appropriately into my photos. I don’t think I will continue studying photography in high school and , I cant see myself living off of taking photos. However, it is definitely my number one hobby and will continue to be in the future. I am going to miss this photography class, but not the teacher because he’s a bully… lol, bye Mr. Fitz!(just kidding we will all miss you) This is my favorite photo I took of my friend, Tabitha.