kitchen table

 This project was about making a ‘story’ with a kitchen table and a ceiling light. The people used in this photo were used to make a surprise with a donuts box that was not shown. And the people used in the second picture was used to create an argument or fight people were talking about. Here are their pictures. The tools in Photoshop I used were the black and white adjustment to make the picture black and white, elliptical marquee tool to give the ceiling light a specific way to look for the light in the ‘room’, and I also used the curves tool to give the light a ombre look. I would take the photos outside because my family is really crazy and I have a big family too. You would see pictures with us smiling, something funny or sad but mostly angry. And here is the link to the photos.

Set in the Street

For this project, we had three days to take pictures at the “kitchen table”(a set that was made to look like a kitchen table so we could take pictures) that told a story. The inspiration for this project was Justin Bettman who would build sets of rooms in cities and photograph people who posed in them. This project, was also inspired by Carrie Mae Weems who took pictures at her actual kitchen table, that told a story of her life. While editing my photos I used the black and white tool, the cropping tool( with rule of thirds lines), the spiral selecting tool that I inverses and put a feather of 200 on to get a shadow above the light/lamp. If I were to take a picture in a room in my house where my family would tell a story it would probably be the kitchen. I think I would take the pictures in the kitchen because everyone is moving and I think it would be cool to take a picture of the kitchen in the morning and then at night to see the difference. In the pictures you would probably see my parents cooking with my younger sister and I helping, my entire family eating at the island,  my sister and I preparing our lunches and me helping my sister with homework. To see the rest of my photos from this project click HERE!