Getting Close

During this project, we had to take photos of living and nonliving things. We had to find objects and get really close to them and take pictures. I used the app vsco to take my photos. When taking the photos is was challenging to get close enough to the object without making the photo blurry. It was fun photographing this up close because sometimes you can’t tell what it is. I found it super easy to find things to take photos of. . (Do you know what my photo is of?)

Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Getting Close

For this assignment I had to get extremely close to any object of my choice. What I tried for this project was putting the camera lens up close to the object and just taking a picture. A challenge was keeping the camera focused for all of the photos. If I could take a close up picture of anything it would be a butterfly. Because I could get some cool photos of there wings. The rest of my photos are here

Getting Close

This project required us to take 10 photos total, 5 not alive, and 5 alive up close. The hard part was getting the camera to focus well on the item but the easy part was finding the right images for it. You can find the rest of the photos here.

Getting Close

For this project we had to take close up pictures of an object. What worked well was when I put the object behind a solid background which helped my phone focus better. It was challenging to take a close up picture that wasn’t blurry and looked good. I would like to take a close up picture the snow because I think that would be a cool picture. See the rest of my pictures here.

Getting Close

For this project we had to take what could be a full image and only photograph a little part of it. I think getting clear image worked really well and I tried an new technique that helped. For this project, I used the zoom bar on my camera so I could get really close up images. It was difficult to find images to photograph because you can only focus on one small part of the object. If I could I would like to photograph the grand canyon up close.Click HERE to see more images.

Getting Close

In this project we had to take photos of living and nonliving objects, but very close up. In this project we had to find an object and zoom in on the photo in order to get it very close up. I picked an object that I wanted to take a picture of, then I would place my phone at an angle. After that I would continue to zoom enough before the object would get blurry. I used different features of my phone such as zooming in while having my phone at an angle, etc. The biggest challenge for me was finding objects that I was interested and it still looking cool when I zoomed in. I would like to photo graph up close some type of marine life. If you would like to see the rest of my photos, click here.