
For this project I had to use natural frames to make my subject stand out in my photos. It was difficult to find multiple different things to place my subject between. I also was able to use the rule of thirds for this project. By aligning my subject on the imaginary grid lines I was able to dictate where the viewer’s eye’s went. I found it very hard to also fill up all of the space inside of the frame only using a person. I like this photo the most because the frame is found in nature and has a very cool angle. You can click here to see the rest of my photos.


During this project I took photos of different subjects using different things to frame them. We framed our subjects so that when looking at the picture your eyes go directly to the thing being framed. This is similar to the rule of thirds, because in both projects we were using different techniques so that the person looking at the picture would look directly to the subject. They are different though, because rule of thirds we used lines to bring your attention to the subject and framing we used different resources to frame and bring your attention to the subject. This is my favorite picture because I took many photos and in this photo Lizzie is caught of guard. One challenge I had during this project was finding different frames to take a picture through.

Click here for more awesome pics

Frame your subject

The frame your subject project was a project where you had to use an object or something physical to surround a subject or a person. This compares to the Rule of Thirds project because in R.O.T I used imaginary lines to frame the subject and in the frame your subject I used physical objects (lines) to frame my subject. The challenges that I faced was finding interesting things to frame the person.

Here are my other photos.

Framing Photos

In this project we had to put our object in a frame outlining it. This is like the project rule of thirds because they both make you focus on the object, but the rule of thirds uses imaginary line but in this project we used actual lines. some challenges where finding a creative frame.

Click here to see all my photos.


For this assignment, we had to find different frames outside or inside the building. we had to take pictures if in a person in a frame for example a door way or a fence. For rule of thirds we used invisible lines for framing we used viable lines.Both projects forced you to pick a focal point focus your picture on that. The challenges of this project was lighting because there were many frames around the building but lighting was very hard. The lighting inside is very hard to work with because there are only so many angles you can take a picture. My favorite picture is the one of Judi because the way she is standing. I also like the angle of the picture. The way the stairway frames her makes the picture look very good.

click here to see my other photos

Framing Your Subject

In this project, the main goal is to frame your subject of the photo using natural objects in the area. We needed to have 5 or more photos of many different objects or subjects, and many different frames. This is a little bit similar to the rule of thirds because you needed to use a line and put the object on that line, perfectly lined up, and in this one your using the world around you to do a similar thing, accept it does not need to be lined up on a grid. Finding a perfect angle that makes it fit better.

Click Here to see all my photos

here is a preview of my favorite photo

Framing Subject

This project included students to use natural frames to frame their subject they are going to take a picture of. This project used a little of the Rule Of Thirds because you need a good picture so for that you need to adjust your subject to a side to fit the frame.

Click here to see more Framing pictures

This picture was my favorite because of the overall look at it. It look so good because of how the background is blurry and Abraham is just so popped out in the picture. The hardest part of this whole project was fitting the subject in the frame to a good position so the picture could then be good.


For this assignment, we had to find a subject to take pictures of, and then use the resources around us to frame them. This includes using the holes in the gates to frame the subject, the stairwell railing, and the door frames. The idea of this project was also to use things that you wouldn’t normally think would frame something and use it to frame whatever you were taking a picture of. The point of framing your subject is so your eye goes directly to where the photagrapher wants you too look.

click here for more pictures

Framing A Subject

For this project, we needed to find objects that would make a “frame” shape to take our photos. We used these frames to create a better looking picture. The person or object had to be positioned in the frame. We used different shapes outside and inside the school to take our photos. When creating “Rule of Thirds” it can help frame an image by using the edges. The most challenging part was trying to find unique “frames” throughout the school, we mainly used doors as our frames for our photos. My favorite photo is the one below of my friend, Emily. This is my favorite photo because she was doing this random position while she was talking to my other friends. Her smile also doesn’t seem forced. I also like this picture because it’s very clear and I used the black fence around the turf as a unique frame.

Click here to view my other photos : )

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Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Framing Your Subject

For this project, we had to find things around us that could create a frame. It could have been people, shadows, etc. This project was different from the rule of thirds because in the rule of thirds, we had to use the grid to have an object the focus of the photo. However, for this project, we had to use the environment so the object in the picture is the focus. The only challenge of this project was probably the lighting. My favorite frame is the one of the dog because the people because I like how the people in the background helped frame the dog.

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