Framing your subject!

Framing the subject is a project that we did recent. Its where you are taking a photo which something is framing the subject. Framing the subject and The rule of thirds are completely opposite, Rule of thirds is talking a photo of someone or something like looking it first then the background. Framing the subject is something framing something or someone. Something that was challenging in this project was looking for a place to frame something. Overall it was a fun project And I liked that we went outside for it. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Framing Your Subject

Click Here for my photos

In this project we had to use natural and man made frames to take pictures. In this project we didn’t have to use rule of thirds so the pictures could be more centered. My favorite is Christian in between the tree because it took a while to find the perfect angle and stuff. A challenge was finding interesting frames to use.


In this project, we had to have an object around something that would frame it. Mirrors, cups, doorways etc. This was similar to the rule of thirds because the frame makes the photo interesting. Its different from the rule of the thirds because since in framing your object is your main focal point. Some challenges I had were finding what frames to put my subject in.

Click here more to see more of my photos

Framing Your Subject

In this project I used buildings and objects around the school grounds to frame my subject. This project was like the Rule of Thirds because I had to move my subject to make him the main focus of the picture. My favorite picture was the one shown right below. I think that the bushes created the perfect frame and created a good frame that surrounded my subject. The red bricks also created a very good background covering the whole picture. There was really nothing in this project I found too hard because all I had to basically do was find a frame, and put someone in the middle of it.

Click here for my other photos


For this project, I learn how to take photos with framing. Framing makes photos interesting. Framing is different from rule of thirds because in my view the “framing” makes certain objects standout. Either the object that’s inside of the framing or the framing itself. On the other side, rule of thirds is the object that stands out on one the lines, shows background or foreground. One challenge that I faced was trying to find a good frame to take the photo.

click here to see my photos


For this assignment, we had to pick a subject (person or object) to frame to make the photo interesting. The project of framing the subject and the rule of thirds both have a relationship with each other. The rule of thirds has imaginary lines to make the photo have more than one focus, while framing has a physical structure surrounding the focus in the photo. I picked this photo below because the frame is the branches, which surround Marelin as the focus. When I was working on this project it was kind of difficult for me to find the right frame for the photo. Click here to see my photos

Framing Your Subject

In this project we had to frame our subject in between 2 objects. We had less freedom than with the Rule of Thirds because we had to have it in between things and we couldn’t just take pictures of whatever we wanted. It was hard to find good objects to put our subjects in between but in the end we used a lot of fences and trees. This is my favorite picture because I like the contrast of the colors of the shirt with the ground and the rest of the picture.

Here is the link to the folder with all the images.

Framing Subject

For this project we had to place an object or a person between two things that “frame” the object. For example this picture of the camera was taken at an angle that makes the camera look like its being framed with the bleachers. This project was different from the Rule Of Thirds project because with that one we had to place the subject along the main focal points. With this project we had to surround the subject with two objects. One of the challenges while doing this project was making sure the frames were the right size for the subject. If you would like to see the rest of the pictures click here.

Framing Your Subject

In this project, we framed our subject using objects in and around the school. In this project, we placed our subject in the center of the picture, unlike in rule of thirds, where we put our subject in a place other than the center. A challenge that I had was figuring out what to frame my subject with and it was hard to center the photo.

This photo is my favorite because we never get to use the elevator at school, so it was fun to take this.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Framing project

For our framing we had to take a photo using different things to frame the picture like door frames, fences, door ways, etc. Some challenges to this project were finding the proper frames.