The Final Project

Overall, my photography class has been really enjoyable and a nice break from all the work in school. I have learned many new techniques on how to improve your photos, I think what I have learned will definitely help me in the future somehow. Also, honestly photography in my opinion is an easier class, so it is nice to be able to be more relaxed and not as worried about getting stuff done. Last year when I was choosing my classes, I wasn’t quite sure what photography would really be like; but overall, photography class is not very different than what I expected. This class has definitely changed the way I take photos now and how I will take photos in the future; and has also helped me imagine all the possible angles for things and what the best shots could be. Looking back, my favorite project from this year would have to be our first project, the 24 crayons project. This was my favorite project because it was fun to go around our school and find all the possible and most creative places to hide our crayons. It was especially fun when I got down to my couple last crayons but couldn’t find anything that matched the color, it was fun to venture around the school for those last few colors. I’m not quite sure photography would be a future job for me, because I don’t really think I would be good enough to have that for a job. But I probably will continue to do photography in high school, because it seems like it is an easier class; and also it could be another AP class to have in high school. There is still a possibility though that I will not continue photography if I see a class that interests me more.

This is probably my favorite/best photo I have taken this year.