24 Colors

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In this assignment, i had to go around the school and take photo’s of crayons that matched a background of the color. the hardest part of the project was to find colors in the school that matched an item. Since the school is a little bland it was difficult. one of the easiest parts of this assignment was finding angles.

24 colors

I made these photos by going around the school and looking for colors that match all 24 crayons. The hardest part of this project was finding colors in the school. This school doesn’t have a lot of color. The easy part of this project was getting good angles for the photos.

click here to see my photos

24 Crayons

I made theses photos by going around my school and looking for colors that mach all the 24 crayons in the box. The hard part in this project was going around trying to fine the perfect shade of color the crayons had. The easy part was getting the good angels I needed.

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