Close up

For my project i had to take a close up picture of an object or a living thing. In these pictures i have a leaf in water and my jeans. This was not hard to take because I had my jeans. For my leaf in water picture it was a little hard because it took a while to get. If you want to find more click here.

close up

For this project I had to find objects or person and had to take a close up of it. What worked well is to zoom in on something and so it will be easier to have it closer instead of having the camera be right on the object or person. What I tried new was I tapped on the screen so I could then focus the light correctly. My challenges were not shaking the camera or else the picture would be blurry. It wasn’t that had finding things to take pictures of honestly. And like I said before, one issue with the camera was trying not to move too much. If I had time and equipment to take a close up picture of my shoes because they have a lot of different materials so there will be better close up picture. Here is the link to the rest of my photos.

Up really Close!

This project was based on zooming into things to create a beautiful and confusing picture. If people don’t know what the object is then that makes it better because they’ll have to figure it out. In order for this project to work I used Macro on cameras but on my phone I had to do something else because my phone of course doesn’t have Macro. On my phone I couldn’t use the zoom because the pictures would be blurry, so what I did was just bring my phone’s camera really close to the object and it made the pictures come out pretty neatly. Some challenges I had doing this project was to set the lighting on the devices I used, I didn’t know if it would be better with or without the flash, getting the cameras to focus was also another problem, and finding the objects to zoom into was also a big issue. If I had the equipment, time and the ability to get there I’d like photograph a droplet of water falling into a lake because that would be so beautiful to take a close up picture of. Down bellow are two of my favorite close up pictures. Click here to find the rest.