Black Background

For my project I had to take 5 picture and post . these are 2 out of the 5. This project was really fun to take the picture with the black wall. For my pictures I did it black and white to make the person stand out. if you want to see more click here.

Black Background Portraits

To take the photos, I had to adjust the shutter speed and to edit, I had to increase the contrast. The difficult part was the editing and a part that didn’t work was when we took the pictures, the light was too close to the camera. A part that worked was when we took the pictures, we had the right shutter speeds.

Black Background

In this project we had to make the background of the pictures we took pitch black. We had to keep changing the ISO so enough light would shine on our faces, but not on the background because that would give a shadow. Once, we figured out the correct way to hold the light and the correct ISO, it made the project just a little bit easier. The most challenging thing was finding a good way to hold the light so it would shine on our faces, but not on the background. This project was probably one of the hardest project because there was so many things that you had to make sure where in the right place. The rest of my photos are down below. 

Black Background

In order to make the pictures work, we have to change the ISO and adjust the shutter speed. The pictures ended up working better in front of the black background and they were easier to take. It was hard to pose and edit the pictures so you couldn’t see the green background or any shadows. Click here to see all of my pictures:

Black background

What I did was take pictures on manual and edited them on Photoshop. We used the curve tool to adjust the brightness of our picture. We had to step away from the wall to make sure there is no shadow. Having all pictures with a black background worked. What didn’t work was us being able to complete it without any help because it was pretty hard. 

Black Backgrounds

During Photography we got to mess around and play with the ISO and shutter speed to get black backgrounds on our pictures. Also we had to be in a dark room and take pictures of our group mates and our selves and we had to have on light shining on us while the room is completely dark.