Black Background

In this project, we had to make it look like there was an infinite black background. In order to get the right lighting, we had to put the light on the person, instead of behind. One thing that didn’t work was taking the picture far away from the person so it wouldn’t mess the lighting up. one thing which was easy was focusing on the subject better than in the white background post. It was hard because the light was really bright.

Click here for more pics.

Black background

When I was doing this assignment, me and my group had to adjust the ISO on the camera to make it look like an infinite background. We had to make the ISO lower so it looked darker, then when i was editing, I used the brightness to make me and my group look brighter but still have the background darker. The ISO had a very big arrect on the photo. But while we were taking the photos it was kinda hard to see our faces and we needed more photos too.

Black Background

During this project, when I took my pictures, I had to adjust the shutter speed and to edit, I had to increase the contrast. The difficult part was the editing and a part that didn’t work was when we took the pictures, the light was too close to the camera. It was very helpful, when the picture turned out well and we did not have to edit it. The picture turned out well when we had thew right shutter speed.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Black Background

In this project, we got in groups and took photos. After this, we edited photos and put our logos on the photo that we took. Taking photos was challenging because we needed to put enough light to show the person but not enough to show a shadow and we had to mess with the ISO and the shutter speed. Something that worked was just aiming the light at the persons face. Go here to find more photos

Portraits With A Black Background

Click here for my photos

To take our photos it was a struggle at first since they just didn’t look right since the shutter speed was to slow and the ISO was just completely wrong. After our first 20 photos we got it right but after the photos came out just right. I think the lighting made it amazing which let me have a glow. Also the lighting was key to make it look great.

Photo With Black Backround

The process of doing this assignment was really easy. This picture worked really well because of the lighting and theirs no shadows, We were supposed to get his whole body in the light but only got half of it.if you want to see more of my groups picture click here

Black Background Photo project

For this project we had to take a picture of a person against a black background. The goal of this project was to make the background look infinite. the setting of the camera was a low sensitivity. It was difficult to find a good angel make the background look infinite.

click here to see my post

Black Background

When I was doing this assignment, my group had to adjust the ISO on the camera to make it look like an infinite background. We had to make the ISO lower and darker, then when it was time to edit, I used the brightness to make myself look brighter but the background darker. The ISO made a great impact on the photo. But while we were taking the photos it was kinda hard to see our faces.

Click to see my photos