Black and White Collection

Taking photos in color is probably the only way you’ve ever taken photos. For this project, we are going to switch it up. We will be shooting black and white photos. We are going to be dividing up 6 categories over 2 weeks. Each category will need to have 2 photos for each for a total of 12 photos over the 2 weeks. There are some new things you need to think about when you are shooting in black and white. The categories you will be shooting pictures in are; lines, texture, portrait, shadow, nature and man made. I would consider this project a scavenger hunt.

This is also our first project where editing is expected. If you are using your phone, then you have everything you need without the need to download any new apps. Of course, you can use your favorite app for editing. If you are using a computer or camera for photos you can use websites like polarr to edit your photos.

The videos below will give you some tips for shooting black and white and teach you how to edit photos in your phone.

+ What did you have to do in this project? (Include the categories.)

+ How did you take your pictures? In B&W or color and edit later?

+ What did you do differently? Shooting? Planning?

+ What did you enjoy about taking photos in black and white?

+ What did you find frustrating? What was the hardest category to capture? Why?

+ Add your photos to Google Drive and post a live link on your website.

+ Choose your favorite 2 photos and post them on your site and label them with the category they are representing.