Action Photos

For this project we had to take pictures of people/things in action. Action could be caught in many ways but it was important for it to be caught while the picture is still visible to the viewer. The pictures shouldn’t have been hard to take if you knew what you were looking for. To take the best pictures I would’ve been able to take  had to position myself to the right spot where you could no only see the thing in movement but you could also see the landscape in the back. For someone who is trying to take an action photo I recommend them to is to have the camera focused on the thing you specifically want to take a picture of, because if you don’t the viewer wont be able to tell what your taking a picture of.  I would love to photograph a polo game because you could get the action of the horses moving while the players are also moving.

Catch The Action

For this project, we had to take a picture of things in action. To capture good images, I had to keep the camera still, while the person did what they were doing. For someone taking these pictures, I would tell them that your picture can be blurry, that is okay because that can be proof that it is an action picture. If I could, I would want to photograph someone playing basketball.  If you want to see more pictures click here.


For this project, we had to capture a moment of action in a photo. We had to go around and take pictures of these moments in motion. for these pictures we had to set up chairs and get at a good distance. If you want to take an action picture, I suggest taking it at creative angles. This helps the viewer get a good angle of the picture and it exaggerates the action. If I could photograph a sport, I would choose lacrosse. This is because there is constant movement and motion so it would be easy to capture. You can see the rest of my photos here

Objects in Motion

For our project “Objects in motion”, we had to take photos of objects in motion, but there wasn’t supposed to be any blur. For the photos I took outside, I set the shutter speed to the shortest time possible, and it worked because there was so much light outside. When I took pictures inside, I had to lengthen the shutter speed because of the lack of light inside. Moral of the story, take the pictures outside with the sun. I would want to photograph professional baseball because of how fast they can throw the ball. Check out my photos here.

Second photo with logo is in the google drive folder because Photoshop doesn’t want to open it.

Catch The Action

For this project I had to catch people doing things while in motion. What I did to take good moving photos is to keep the shutter speed fast than slow. A tip is to do it in good lighting. Also, do it in a large space. A sport I would like to photograph is definitely soccer or basketball because there is a lot of moving involved which gives great pictures. For the rest of my pictures click here.

Catch The Action

The project, Catch The Action is about taking cool photos of things that are in motion while trying to keep the object of focus in focus and the background not in focus/ or not distracting from the thing in motion. I timed my photos so when the car or bike or whatever was moving by I got a good shot of it. If you are trying to take an action photo, it takes lots of tries and make sure to not be too late or too early when taking the photo. If I could take a picture of any sport, I would do football. I would do football because players get hurt all the time and if you timed a photo right before someone got tackled it would look really cool. To view the rest of my photos, click here

Catch the Action

For this project, we had to take 8-10 photos of people or things in motion. One thing that really helped me take these photos is using the “burst” on my phone so I could get multiple photos of the action. This allowed me to have multiple options. I recommend to anyone that wants to attempt this project to use the burst as it is very helpful. I also think a great idea would be to use the live photo option on the IPhone. You can edit it and choose a part of the live photo to make the main photo, if that makes sense. One sport I really want to photograph is football as there are so many things going on at once. The ball is in action, the players, and even the crowd. Below are 2 photos I took in action. You can see the rest of my photos here.

Action photos

This project was about capturing images in action. You could be doing anything and get a picture of it.The tips i give to people is if you are using your phone take your photos in burst and get the best angel you can. If i could take an action photo of any sport i would pick soccer. You can see more of my photos here.

Catch the Action!

In this project, we needed to take 8-10 photos of people or things in motion. The way we got the best photos was just spamming. When the action was happening, we would just press the button many times, which usually got us a good result. I also used the timer on my iPhone, and took some cool pictures of my self. My tip would probably be to press the button many times when the action was happening, if using a phone, or countdown to tell the person when to do the action, if using a camera. I would like to photograph a live volleyball game, because I think the shots would be really cool. These were my two favorites from this project: 

To see all my other photos, click here.

Catch the Action

In this project, we had to take photos of people or objects in motion. To capture good images, I took the picture early. This helped because if I tried to take it late, the person would already be on the ground and I needed to get them in the air. Some tips I have would be to plan out your photo so nothing unexpected happens. Also, to take the photo earlier than you think because it helps. I would want to photograph soccer because it would be cool to see someone kicking the ball while in motion.

You can see the rest of my photos here.