Catch The Action

In this project I was tasked with taking photos of people or objects in motion. What helped me capture good images was rapidly taking pictures of the thing in motion (In this case I used my phone). My tip is that you have to make sure the object you are taking a picture of, is the main subject of the photo. If I could photograph a sport, I would choose basketball because it is a fun sport. You can find the rest of the photos I took here.

Catch The Action

For this project we had to take photos of people or things in motion. The photos had to be mostly clear and couldn’t be super blurry. It also had to be clear there was an action going on, and it couldn’t be staged. What I did to get good pictures is I used the burst feature on my phone. If something didn’t work, I would try again, and maybe in a different angle. Some tips I have for this project is to pick out a few good photos of an action so you have options and can better decide the best one. Another tip is to take photos outside. The photos always came out less blurry when they were taken outside. I would like to photograph people dancing or doing cool gymnastics tricks if I could. You can find the rest of my photos here.

Action Pics

For this project we need to take pictures of objects in motion. We also need to make sure it comes out good. The subject cant be blurry. Some tips to take AWESOME action pictures (Like mine) is to know what you are taking a picture of. If I could choose one sport to take pictures of, it would be football. The game is violent and never boring. 

Haven’t finished all pics yet, I will update and add link when I do.

Action Pictures

For this project, we had to take 8-10 pictures of a person or a thing moving or in action. To make this project easier,  I used the burst setting on my camera which allowed me to get multiple pictures of the full action and choose the one that looked the best. Definitely use burst and make sure you have the right angle if you plan to take action photos. If I had a chance to photograph any sport it would be golf. I would take it of the swing.  To see the rest of my photos, click here

Action Pictures

In this project, we had to take 8 photos of motion without them being too blurry.  I took my photos with my phone. Although the photos weren’t in the best quality, I was able to take burst photos and all I had to do was choose the ones that looked the best. The best tip I have for the best action photos is to stay patient and don’t settle. If a photo doesn’t look good or is too blurry, retake the pictures until you get the perfect one. If I could photograph any sport I would take photos of NASCAR racing. I think this would be cool because the cars are moving at such a fast speed. I would also need to have a much better camera though to catch the perfect shot.

Click to see the rest of my photos here

Action shots

This was a stressful project. We had to take 48 pictures in total, each picture had to have something moving in it.  We had to set the camera to manual, after we had to crop out the photos (Only 8 of them).  Something that helped was changing the shutter speed to a high setting, this helped because it made the camera take the pictures faster.  Also the positioning of the camera and the “action” mattered. You could ruin a great photo with bad angling. I would take a picture of mma. If you want to see more pics click here


For this project we had to take picture of objects (people) in motion. The project had to involve a variety of people doing different actions. To capture good pictures we had to set the ISO on 800 so the light setting would look natural. We also had to set the shutter speed on 1/800 because the objects tended to move very fast. 1/800 means that the shutter of the camera would only stay open for 1/800 of a second. This would also take clearer images of the objects in motion. We also used our previous knowledge of Rule of Thirds and different perspectives. We sometimes had to lay on the ground to take a better looking picture. I would recommend, if you are trying to take “action” photos, to stand very close to the object in motion. The camera would focus better if it was closer. Also you should take pictures outside for better light quality. If I would photograph a specific sport, I would take pictures of basketball games. Basketball games involve a lot of movement and interaction between players. Also, dunking pictures look great. 2 of my favorite pictures are shown below. The rest can be found here.

Catch the Action

For this project we had to take pictures of people in action. So we had to think of things from the background, camera angles, composition ( by that I mean rule of 3rds ), and lighting. For this project I used my phone as the camera. I didn’t do much with the camera to get the pictures but I already had the grid on my camera. When it cam to taking the actual pictures, I would tap on the screen so my camera would focus more on the person so the picture wouldn’t end up blurry. Some tips I would give someone who is trying to do this project, is to get different angles for each picture because then it would make each picture together look more better. Also, when doing this project you definitely need to be creative with this project, you don’t need to, but it definitely helps. If I could, I would want to take pictures at a baseball game when the batter is hitting the ball. Here is a link to all my pictures.


On this project we had to take pictures of people or objects in motion. Everything had to be in action and the pictures where hard. Something that helped me capture good pictures was to take lots of picture (spamming) of the thing in motion to capture the right ones. Some tips I’d give someone trying to take motion pictures are: first you have to be patient because not all pictures you take will work and it will take lots of work to find and take the right pictures. If I could I would like to photograph basketball or baseball or even football because I think those sports have a lot of action in them so I could have so many motion and action photos through those sports. Down below are two of my favorite pictures I took. If you want the rest click here.

Catch the Action

In this project we took shots of people doing something that involved action. I took multiple photos of the same people doing their actions until I got the right one. When you take action photos make sure to get a good angle. If I could catch action in any sport, I would choose swimming because I could get a cooler shot of the water in it. Click here for my photos.