
In this project we were asked to take pictures of things in action. The images had to look like they were in action meaning they cant looked staged. For example if you rolled a marble on the ground it can be in action but it would not count because you could have just put it there and took a picture. In this project i just took a picture of people doing something in action while it was in action. I held the burst button on my phone and picked the best photo. A tip for somebody doing this project is to hold the burst button on your phone it works to take all the photos so you can find the perfect one. If i could photograph any sport it would be soccer, because if you can catch the moment right when the foot and the ball make contact you would be able to see a lot of details. You can find the rest of my photos here.

Catch The Action

In this project we had to take pictures in motion and make sure the pictures were clear and not blurry and you can tell it was in motion. What I did to make it work was take pictures a second early so could get the ball where I wanted and tried places with the best lighting. a sport I wish I could’ve taken was football or baseball. You can see the rest of my photos here.


In this project, I had to take pictures of things in motion. In order to get a good picture, I changed to ISO to 800, because I needed it to be more sensitive to light. Also, I put the shutter speed to 1/800 of a second because I needed to catch the moving object in motion and at the right moment. A tip I would give to somebody who is trying to take action photography is to set the camera up where the person or object will end up, or follow them until you feel like they are at a position that is good. Also, you should take pictures while moving/following the object or person, so that you can have pictures to choose from. One of them might be the best picture in the whole wide world, and you could end up with a lot of money. If I could, I would want to photograph ballet dancers. I would want to capture their jumps and turns, just at the right moment. 

To see the rest of my photos, click here.


So this project was about taking really good action photos of movement. I used my  phone too take pictures and i would try to take multiple at a time. A tip is to continue taking pictures till you get a good one and go outside. I would want to take pictures basketball because the pictures will be cool jumping pictures. Action

Catch The Action

In this project we had to capture some type of motion in our picture. I held the camera button on the iPhone so it took multiple pictures and I could capture every moment of the action. Tips i have for someone trying to take action pictures is to get good angles and make sure you have some type of method to get multiple photos of every moment like I did with the iPhone. I would take pictures of the sport volleyball because there is so much intense movement and its my favorite sport. Find more of my pictures here.


For this assignment we had to take a picture of something while it was moving. To get good pictures I made the shutter speed on the camera faster. A tip to get a good picture; Take photos in bursts, So if one’s not good maybe the other one will be. If I had the opportunity to, I would take a photo of someone getting chocked/kicked/punched during a UFC match. You can see the rest of my photos Here.

Catch the Action

In this project we had to take pictures of action. It was all about timing because we had to take the picture at the perfect second. For this to happen, we had to make the shutter speed faster.  If I could take a picture of a sport, it would be boxing because the  punching and facial expression would be perfect for an action shot. You can see the rest of my pictures here. 

Catch The Action

In this project, we had to capture images of people or things doing something. In total, we needed to take around 50 because of the amount of people within my “group” Each person had to take 8-10 pictures of different actions. Once we had finished taking the pictures, we need to crop most of the images. When taking the pictures, you are recommended to have the shutter speed set to 1/800. You also want different angles or positions to capture the best photo you can. A sport that I would love to photograph would be soccer mostly because I play soccer.

Click here for the photos.


We did a project called Action. We had to take pictures of things in motion. Some things that we had to do was make sure our background was pretty, and not invaded with other people. We had to make sure there was enough natural light for our pictures to be bright enough. We had to change the shutter speed so it would capture the moment of the action, and we had to change the ISO so it would be very light sensitive.  A tip I have for someone doing this would be to keep taking pictures until you get the right one instead of sticking with an OK picture. If I could, I would take motion pictures of figure skating, because they can do so many tricks on the ice and it looks really cool. You can see the rest of my pictures HERE.


Catch the Action

For my project i had to get a picture of some one or something that is in motion. this was a little changeling because we had to get the person or thing in the air. For me it took four times to get right because it would come out blurry or i didn’t get it at all. The easy part was to get the position of the person. I hope you enjoy my pictures. you can find more here.