Catch the Action

For this project we had to take pictures of moving objects or people. It was difficult to get the pictures perfectly. What I did to set up with the pictures, I put the camera lens closer to the ground and had it close to the object or person I took a picture of. Tips I have for people taking action photos is keeping the picture focused and not moving a lot.I would watch to photograph football because It would be cool to take a picture of a football in the air. Click here for the rest of the photos.


This project was very action based. I jumped, leaped, twirled, and made other people jump, leap, and twirl just to get a good action photo. All my pictures were taken outside. Occasionally I would take a photo of the lone ball flying through the air, but I mostly took pictures of people. My friends and I would ask one another if we could do weird things like twirl in a circle and sashay, step, leap. I would try to do anything that sounded fun! To capture the best images I could, I put the rule of thirds lines on my camera and took a burst to capture all the action. Later I went through my bursts to find the best photo. A tip I have for someone taking action photos is, if the person your taking a picture of is jumping in the air, lay down on the ground. This will make it look like the person jumping is jumping really high. Also, take a burst! If I could photograph any sport or action I would photograph dance. I would want to photography dance because there is so much movement going on. People are leaping, rolling, and moving all over the place! You can see the rest of my photos here.

Action Shots

In this project we had to take photos of subjects in motion. This project was challenging to get the right about of blur or a perfectly timed shot. It was easy to find things in motion for the subject of the photo. I kept the rule of thirds grid up on my phone and while not all of the photos follow the rule it did help to better compose the photos. I highly recommend taking a burst of photos to better capture the right moment. I think it would be fun to photograph dance or tae kwon (martial arts) because they are different each time a move is preformed. My two favorite photos from this project are below and here is the link to the rest of them.


For this project we had to take pictures of things in action. To take my photos I made sure I was at a good angle and took a burst as the person or object moved. A tip I have is to take lots of pictures of the thing in action and chose the best one. I think it would be cool to take action photos of soccer. See the rest of my pictures here


This had to be one of the hardest assignments my teacher gave our class. Our next assignments were to take 8 to 10 action photos. I set my ISO to auto and my shutter speed was 320. It took me like 20 tries just to make it focused and applying the rule of thirds was a big challenge. Some tips I would give a person to take good action photos is to be patient. It doesn’t always work right away. I would want to photograph football because there is a lot of action in the game. Click here for more photos!

Catch the action

Catching someone or something performing an action is harder than it may seem. The images blur, and sometimes by the time you take the photo the action is over! Our objective was to capture 8 photos of actions. I used my iPhone, however I had my “HDR” setting off, or else the picture would move. Getting a good angle for taking action photos is a good thing to remember, also taking multiple photos is a good tip. Afterwards you can look and see which photo you like best out of the many that were taken. I would like to photograph an action in the sport  Muay Thai. Maybe like a knock out or punch to the stomach. Anyways…. check out all my photos Here

Catching The Action

For this project, we had to take pictures of people/things that are moving. Since I don’t have a professional camera or even a regular nice one, I used my phone. If you use your phone, when taking a picture, right before the action happens, start to hold down the button that takes the photo. This makes it so that there is a burst of photos. After you have taken your burst, look at your picture, press select (it would be under the picture on your phone), and pick the picture you like the best. If I could take an action photo of a sport, I think I would take it of gymnastics or swimming. Here is a link to the rest of my action pictures.


For this project, we had to capture a moment of action in a photo, but there wasn’t supposed to be any blur. To take a picture of someone in action or doing something I used “burst” (Which is holding down the white button in the middle of the screen).  Also Taking pictures at a closer angle looked better than father because there could be more blur if you took a picture from a far. I tried not to use boring angles such as just straight forward angles I tried getting angles that were different from others. Also going outside and taking pictures worked very well for me because natural sunlight or light looks way better than if you were taking pictures outside. If you were going to do this assignment you should definitely use burst mode on your iphone or if your using a camera set your shutter speed so it could take pictures faster. I would like to photograph football because you could catch crazy tackles people toppling over each other I would get great photographs each time. You can find the rest of my photos Here.  

Catch The Action

In this project my goal was to take 8-10 pictures of people or objects in motion. In the picture I had to make sure that the person or object did not turn out to be blurry. multiple pictures were taken by my IPhone when I hold down on the center white button. taking multiple shots is an efficient way because it will capture all the movement, and then you get to choose one out of the best. A tip I have is that its best to take a picture of something that is somewhat not to fast for you to miss the shot. Also to consider what ground is going to look. A sport i would want to photograph is basketball because there are many cool trick and shots to take. Click HERE for more photos.

Catch the Action

   For this project we had to take 8 to 10 pictures in motion. what I did was get close to the object and press the shutter button half way down  and when it was on the air i press it fully down. I think if you use the sports mode in a camera than it might be easy. I think dance or football would be cool.