Catch the action

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for this assignment we had to take pictures that were in motion. For this assignment we took all the picture we took and made it into one showing that the person was in motion. I messed with the lighting and the angle in order to take good photos. One tip I have for taking action photos is to make sure your in the right position to get the whole frame of the picture. i would want to photograph a football game if I could.

Catch The Action

For this project we had to take pictures of objects in motion. In order to help capture good images, I pre-focused on where my subject would be, shot low to the ground so their feet were above the horizon, and took continuous photos for the time they were in the air. Some tips I would have for someone trying to take action photos are to be patient, pre-focus on where your subject will be, and shoot low to the ground so it looks like your subject is higher in the air. If I could, I would photograph swimming.

Click here to see the rest of my photos


In this project we had to take pictures of objects or people in action .Then we had to edit the photos into a stack in Adobe Photoshop. If I were to give anyone tips I would say to find a very appealing or cool object that is easy to focus on, and not have a background that is easy to focus on. If I could I would like to photograph basketballs because that is my favorite sport and it would be fun to photograph. Here is the link to my Action photos.

Action shots

The assignment was to take pictures of things in motion. And not motion that can be faked with a pose, the type of motion that can only be photographed in the moment. The most challenging thing was finding different dynamic action shots to do while still making them actions that cant be faked with a pose. The easiest part was capturing the image because It was just a matter of catching the perfect moment and while tedious at times was the easiest thing.

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Gage's Gorgeous Photography 2019-04-23 18:57:57

Action Photos

For this project, we had to take pictures of people or objects in motion. In order to capture good images, we used the burst mode on our cameras. This gave us many photos of the object so we could choose the best ones. If you are trying to take good action photos, Use the burst setting on your camera. This will make capturing a picture at the right time so much easier. This will give you a variety of photos so you can keep the ones you like. A sport I would enjoy photographing would be mountain biking. You can catch photos of people getting lots of air on their bikes, and even the occasional crash! Here is a link to all my photos. Below is my favorite picture.

Action Shots

For our action shots, we had to take pictures of people in action or doing something like jumping, running, etc. For this project, we had to go outside because if we go inside, the photos wouldn’t look good. I took pictures of my friends jumping, jumping over hurdles, and catching a football. I used my phone to take photos for this project and I used the Burst mode on the camera. The camera has to stay still for the stacking photo or else it wouldn’t be photo shopped well. I would want to photograph pictures of people swimming.

Click here to view my other photos.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset


In this project, we are experimenting how to take photos in motion. I learn the coolest thing in this class is to stack photos in Photoshop. A stacked photo is basically taking variety of motion photos and converted into multiple different figures. A good way to catch a good photos is to hold the camera still then keep clicking the burst as the object moves. A good tip is to stand still or change the camera angle. I would like to take a photo of a goose flapping its wings.

Click Here to see my photos.

Action Photos

This project was a project that included students to take picture of something that is in action or being done and something that isn’t stationary. I would use a countdown and also I would use shutters because it would picture would be taken faster, and I could just use the photos with action in them. A tip for starters is having patience because it takes a while to get really good pictures as well as use the shutter option in the camera. i would want to photograph Swimming because it would look really cool when someone is swimming and water is splashing everywhere to where you can see the drips of water in mid air.

click here to see my Action photos

Catch The Action

In this project, I had to take a photo of something in action. I took a burst of photos to try to catch it in the perfect moment. I mostly used a football and took a picture of Gray catching it or throwing it. For one of my pictures, I had to add four pictures into one. To do that I had to add four pictures to Photoshop and then cut out the background of all but one. I used a football in most of my photos because that is my favorite sport. Anyone who tries this project should take their photos in burst.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!