
For this project, we had to take pictures of objects in motion. I used the camera app and I had to take the photo at the right moment, so this project took some time. If you’re using a phone, I recommend you to use burst, its when you spam the camera button. It will take a lot of photos and you can choose from there which one you think is best. I would like to take a closeup of a bird from close. Click here to see more photos.

Action shots

For this project we needed to take pictures of someone or something in action. Tips I would give someone would be don’t move your camera and make sure everything stays in frame. The sport I would want to photograph basketball or football. Overall this project was easy because you just had to make sure you didn’t move your camera.

my photos

Catch the Action

In this project, we took photos of objects or people in action. While taking these photos I tried to keep the camera low to the ground, in order to, make sure the image gives the impression of someone or something in motion. Also I tried to have have less motion in the background of the photo. This makes the photo easier to edit, along with, allowing the subject to be the main focus. If you are taking an action photo I recommend keeping the camera still. Shaking the camera will increase the difficulty of editing and, if you are creating a stacked photo, it will make it look better. If I could I would want to photograph an action shot of a gymnast. A gymnast would be constantly moving in a photo and performing interesting skills.

Click here to see my photos.

Action Pictures

In this project we had to take pictures of things in motion/action. In order to capture good images I had to hold down the shutter button on my iphone so I could catch things moving without blur. Tips I have for someone else who’s doing the project is to 100% hold down the shutter button. If I could photograph a sport it would be football because that is my favorite sport. Here are my pictures.

Catch The Action

In this project we had to take pictures of different people doing different types of activities. We would have to take bursts of photos and after we chose the pictures that we thought were the best. After that we had to put our pictures into photo shop and put them into stacks so it would look as if all the pictures we took was one whole picture. It would give it an affect that the person had multiple of themselves and it would look very clean. It wouldn’t just take one try but instead it would take multiple to find the right pictures.

Click Here To See My Photos

Action Photo(s)

In this project, we had to basically do something that requires consistent movement, but show the entire action in one photo. One thing I did to capture this image to it’s full potential is make sure that my editing was neat and realistic. I needed to make sure that each shot came together smoothly and didn’t look “choppy”. One tip that I have for you guys if you want to take this type of picture, is to have patience. It’s sort of difficult to get the right/a good picture if you’re impatient. If I could take and action photo of one sport it would have to be track and field. Specifically hurdles. Click here to view the rest of my action photos.

Action Photos!

This project is about you taking a picture of something moving like the photo i have on ,which is a stack photo. I took multiple of pictures of one bee and made it like this. I went to Photoshop to edit it. I had to bee still for this project . I burst the photos to take the picture. Something i need to tell you is be still and take the right time to take the photo/s. A sport that i would love to take photo for this project would be soccer, like someone kicking the ball and also basket ball ,like someone about to shoot it in the basket. click here to see the rest of my photos!


The concept of this project is to focus on taking photos of a person in movement. When I was taking my photos, I wanted most of them outside, I used the clouds in some of my photos to capture my action photos. If someone else were to create action photos, I would recommend them to be patient because these shots take time. If I could take an action photo of something else, it would be a cat yawning.

Click here to see my photos


Click here for my photos.

In this project we had to take pictures of people or things in action. Such as, telling my friends to move or just seeing an object and telling someone to kick it or jump over it. One thing that helped me a ton was having my camera on burst so I could capture everything, so that would be my one major tip of capturing a good photo. I would take a picture of people jumping because it shows them off the ground which is something you can’t easily create. There can be many types of action photos that you can take but it was easiest for me to ask some friends to jump up to catch the perfect photo.

Action Photos

In this project we had to take a photo of a person doing an action. Say if a person was jumping we would take multiple pictures of that person doing one action. We also had to mess with he lighting and find different angles that would work for the photos. The part of the project that was most difficult was when we had to place all of the photos into one having the person in many positions.

Click here to see my post