Things in Motion

This project was about getting pictures of things in motion. This could be anything from someone jumping to a ball being thrown. It was difficult to get the shot at the correct moment. I found that my phone was best during this project because you could take many photos in one second so there is a good chance you will get the shot you need.  We also got very lucky with the weather working out well for us to get the best photos. For people who haven’t tried taking action photos i would recommend having the best lighting and cameras take time to realize you snapped for a photo so you have to compensate for that delay. If I could I would want to take pictures of a baseball game because I love the game and there a lot of things that happen that people can’t see

You can see the rest of my photos here 

Things in Motion

This project involved taking photos of a moving person or thing.Some tips if you are using a phone is to take burst photos and focus on where the thing will be.If you are using a camera you just have to be precise.If I could photograph a sport I would photograph soccer or football because I love both sports and with both sports you could take some really cool photos.
Overall it might take you a few tries to get it right.

To find other photos click this link

Catch the Action

For this project, we had to take photos of people/objects in motion. When taking my pictures, I made sure the live settings was on my camera. This helped me capture my photo because I could edit my photos to exact movement I wanted to use. I also took a lot of pictures in order to capture the movement of certain people/objects. My suggestions for taking action photos are to take them from different angles so you can get different effects, and to take numerous pictures of each person’s or objects movement in order to catch the right shot. If I could photograph a certain sport, it would probably be either tennis or ping pong. I really want to capture the balls movement as it hits the racket or paddle. Click her to see the rest of my photos, here.

Catch the Action

The point of the project was to take pictures of someone in action.  For example, you had to catch someone running or jumping.  I didn’t really do much but I added a filter to make it darker or lighter.  I also took a lot of pictures while the action was in process.  So then I could go back and choose one that really got the action.  I also wanted the background without people.  Let me give you some tips.  I suggest to take a lot of pictures not only one.  I suggest to get a good setting.  If I could picture someone playing soccer that would be great.  If you want to see the rest of my pictures, click here.


For this project we had to take photos in motion. For the setup I waited until the hallway was clear so I could get a picture of one person in motion instead of a bunch of people.  A tip could be getting good lighting and the right shutter speed, it will make your picture clearer and less blurry. You could move the camera in different positions and tilt it to get a variety of different pictures. I would want to photograph horseback riding because it has a lot of motion, and would look nice.


To see the rest of my photos click here:


This project was basically about taking photos while someone of something was in action. The hard thing about this assignment was that the person was moving to fast therefore the photo didn’t come out how I planned. The thing that I did to make sure the photo came out good was that I made things go in action that was easy to capture. Tips,  for this assignment I would do something that creates a lot of action, like a sports event and then capture the best photo.

Action shots  

This project is about taking clear pictures while someone or something is in action. I went around the school and asked people to do random stuff such as jumping in the air. Our goal is to focus on the person in action while everything around them is blurry. I used a burst of photos so that way I can catch the person at the best moment. We had no settings, however I would just tap to focus on the person or object before they do their action. I would photograph dancers, cheerleaders, or gymnast because I feel like they do the coolest actions.



What we had to do for this project was take pictures of people moving and make it show the motion. I mainly went around the school and took pictures of people that I saw in the hallway. I looked for whatever angle looked good and tried to set up the shot so I could get the best picture. For someone taking action photos, I would tell them to make sure they have a main focus and the whole picture isn’t blurry. If I was going to photograph any specific activity it would be water polo. It would be interesting to see them moving and seeing the water moving in the photo.




In this project, we had to take clear photos of people in action. We had to time the picture and set the camera up so the photo looked good. I used my iPhone 6 and held down burst and select my favorite photo. Next, I added my logo and put my two favorite photos on this website. I did good selecting my actions and setting up the picture. A tip for taking action photos would be holding the camera as still as possible. I would photograph someone falling or a surfer. Here are my 2 favorite photos and the rest are in the link below:


Action Photos

For this project we had to take photos of people in motion. my favorite picture i took was a P.O.V of me skateboarding. I had my GoPro mounted on my helmet to get the shot i wanted.  I had a friend press the button to take a burst photo when he heard the pop of my board.(Phones can be used as a controller for a GoPro). some tips are, if you have the right lighting and make the shutter speed faster it will make the picture more clear. another tip is to tilt your camera upwards little bit. This will make it appear that if a person is jumping it will look higher than it actually was.