
I am very thankful for the family and friends I have in El Salvador, even though I have not seen them in 6 years. I love all of them and I have many memories and connections with each and every family member. 

I am very thankful for my dog Max. He always acts like a big, warm, soft baby around me! He keeps me company and is always a great listener when I need to rant about anything at all! I have had him ever since he was 8 months and now he’s 1 year old! I can’t wait for all of the other memories I will make with Max! 

I am very thankful for my Muay Thai gear! My gloves and shin pads protect me from getting hurt while sparring! I don´t know in what condition I would be in without my gear! I always have my gear with me if I´m sparring or just training! Muay Thai is basically kickboxing with more elements of striking and protecting. 

I am very thankful for food! One of my favorite food places in IN-N-OUT! California has the best burgers ever! Burgers from IN-N-OUT have a savory taste and they are always juicy! Shakes and fries are incomparable to other burger places! I am very thankful for this place and the Spread! 

I am very thankful for my baby sister Daira. As of now she is 5 months old, she is very strong, healthy, and big. I am thankful that she was brought into the world in a loving family, who can and will support her in everything and anything. I will do my very best to be a good role model and friend to my baby sister. 

I am very thankful for the experience I had in Los Angeles, California. I went to a detention center where children that have been taken away from there families are kept. These children have crossed the border into the U.S illegally with there families, have been caught by ICE, and separated from their families for no good reason. In my personal views this is inhumane and justice should be served. Therefore I went and protested in front of a detention center, where I saw a sign covered in flowers was put together for the children. 

I am very thankful for chap stick. This amazing products makes sure your lips stay nice and hydrated. I use this morning, afternoon, and night. I always have it on me! Especially in the winter time when most people have ashy, cracked, and dry lips. I have smooth, moisturized, soft lips! I definitely recommend it! 

7 Days

My cat is important to me, because he is my cat. His name is Bubba.

My Martial Arts are important to me. Specifically Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing. They are important to me not because I like “hurting” people, but because I enjoy physical activities.

Traveling is important to me. I love going places. These are some of the things i’ve collected from places i’ve been.

My Friends are important to me. This is Shrila. She is my friend. Shrila is really weird but she’s still and always will be my friend.

This restaurant is important to me. This is my favorite restaurant. I like to eat the Mahi Mahi Tacos here. They are very delicious.

My family is important to me. My brother is soooo extra but I have to live with him.

Food is important to me. I Enjoy eating. I need food to survive.

My Values

I value God, Jesus and the bible because  I am a proud Christian and it is part of my culture. I don’t mind what others think of me and I know that God is with me at all times.

I value my studies and education because I want to b successful and attend a great college. If I want to be successful in life I have to be successful in my education, it’s a really big part of success.

I value my family because they mean the world to me. Some people out there don’t have families or lose their families and I just love my family no matter how much they annoy me or what they do to me. Without my family I’d be nothing because they are my everything and I rather die if it means saving them.

I value my friends because they are a big part of my life and they help build my character. My friends are really important to me and I love all of them. Even when we have out ups and downs at the end of the dat we still love each other. Friendship is something beautiful and having someone you could smile with is really something amazing.

I value Myself because my life is based on what I want it to be. Without myself what would I be? I am the only one who should affect my life and my choices have consequences which is why I choose to do the right thing and follow the right path.

I value my parent’s wedding and their relationship because I would never abt them to divorce. They raised me with love and taught me all I know. If they give up on each other then what ways should I guide my life? They never had any big arguments or insulted each other and I hope it stays that way.

I value food because food is what I need to survive. Food helps me grow and gain weight which I should probably reconsider but some food are healthy! Food is a good source of every nutrients I need to survive so I need food!

7 Days

This is my big brother Branyan. I am thankful for him because he has taught me so many new things. He has been with me my whole life and has helped me grow stronger. I love him Even though he can be a little annoying sometimes.
This is my older cousin Andres. I am thankful for him because he makes me laugh anytime I’m feeling down and we also make fun of each other a lot which is so funny to the both of us. I also call him a doofus every time I see him. Anytime we’re together we have the best time.
This is my younger cousin Bianca. I am so thankful for this little one because she makes me laugh 24/7 and we have the craziest times together. We could probably write a book on our crazy experiences together. 
This is my younger cousin Jensy. I am thankful for him because he’s crazy and loves to call me a frog and I call him a fly. We annoy each other all the time, anytime were together things get a little crazy.
This is our leftover thanksgiving turkey. I am thankful for Thanksgiving because its the time where our whole family comes together and cooks and have a nice dinner. Also our family goes overload on the food so there is always some leftover thanksgiving dinner.
This is my family’s Christmas tree. I am thankful for our Christmas tree because its a time where our family comes together to celebrate the holidays. 
This is my aunt’s dog Mia. I am thankful for her because she makes me happy and puts a smile on my face each time I see her cute face. I take care of her a lot whenever my aunt is out of town. Even though she nips me like crazy I still love her.

7 days

day 1: This is a picture of my dog Chester. I am thankful for him because he likes to cuddle with me and come to me when I am sad.

day 2: This is a picture of me with my sister and her boyfriend. I am thankful for them because they include me in their hang outs and (some) dates

day 3: This is a picture of my friends and I. I am thankful for my friends because they are always there for me and make me laugh when I am sad

day 4: This is a picture of my sister and I. I am thankful for her because she is my best friend and I can tell her anything.

day 5: This is a picture of my dog Sadie. I am thankful for my dog Sadie because she always makes me laugh when I am sad and always knows how to cheer me up.

day 6: This is a picture of a lake in my neighborhood. I am thankful for my neighborhood because without it i could have a totally different childhood that could have changed who I am now.

day 7: This is a picture of my best friend. I am thankful for her because you always need that one person who drives you crazy and put you in your place but you can still stand being around.


I am thankful for my dog Jam. She cheers me up when I’m down and shows many emotions. If I didn’t have my dog then I wouldn’t be as responsible as I am today. My dog has shaped into the person I am today.

I’m thankful for my house. My house keeps me warm or cools me down. Many people take for granted their house because u usually see your house everyday and forget how much you are thankful for it.

One thing most people aren’t so thankful for is deodorant. This life saver helps me from stinking up the joint and since I sweat like crazy, I have to be thankful for deodorant.

Many kids want to pursue a sport. I chose to play baseball and train a lot. I was lucky enough to have an experience of playing baseball across the eastern coast. I can say that all of my training led me up to the tournament in Cooperstown, New York where the best baseball players go to compete.(at my age of course) By playing in this tournament I received a ring which I am very thankful for.

One of the things I am thankful for but might not think is food. To represent my food is a box of Pop Tarts. Even though is might be funny they are truly delicious and I’m thankful for that food.

I’ve had my computer for a few years now and has never seemed to disappoint me. I’m thankful that my parents can buy me things that some kids aren’t as fortunate as me. Also, my computer has come in handy when needed for homework and checking my grades.

This whole year I was waiting for a new phone. This month my gift finally came as a iPhone XS. I plan to take care of this phone and I’m very thankful for it.

7 Days

Photo 1: My Family

I’m thankful for my family because they support me and take care of me. I’m also thankful of how my family provides for us.

Photo 2: My books.

I’m thankful that I can own and read as many books as I want. In the picture are just some of the books I own. I know a lot of people can’t own a lot of books like I can, so I’m thankful that I can own so many. 

Photo 3: Dance Team

In this photo I’m wearing my Danceworx jacket. Danceworx is the dance team I’m on. I’m very thankful I can be on a dance team. I’m also thankful I can be on a team with such amazing people and a team with an amazing coach.

Photo 4: My Dog

I’m thankful for my dog Lily. Even though she died, I’m still thankful for her. She made me happy and I had a lot of fun with her.I’m thankful I had such a good dog.

Photo 5: Baking

This is a photo of a chocolate chip cookies recipe. I’m thankful that I’m able to bake so much. I love baking, and I know not all people are able to bake a lot, or at all. I’m thankful that I can.

Photo 6: My cousin\

This is a photo of my cousin Meghan. She’s technically my second cousin, but we still call each other cousins. I’m thankful that I have someone in my family the same age as me and that I have a friend like her. I’m also thankful that I can talk to her about things, and that she can do the same for me.

Photo 7: Theater Friends

I’m thankful for my friends that I have at theater camp, something I do in the summer. I still talk to them, but only get to see them in the summer. I’m thankful that I have such great friends and that we still talk.

7 Days of Black and White

Over the course of Thanksgiving break I took many of photos of things that meant a lot to me. I took 7 photos total.

The first photo I took was of our Thanksgiving and Christmas training pool. This is not our usual pool we train at, but it means a lot to me because my team and I come here every year to push the limits around holidays. Especially Christmas time, 3 hours every day for a week and 2 doubles. This year for our Thanksgiving practice we competed for the “platinum” turkey legs and for Christmas we usually compete for fuzzy socks using IMX scoring. The Thanksgiving and Christmas practices always start with a turkey call from one of my teammates, but this year it sounded like a dying turkey. Although the practices are actual death sometimes, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. 

Following the Thanksgiving practice, I got home and helped my family prepare some food. One thing that may seem weird to value to many people is bread, but it’s something my family and I are grateful for. Every year for as long as I can remember my family and I have ALWAYS made 3 leaf clover dinner rolls, and they really are mouth watering. I usually have at least 4 on Thanksgiving. I will admit we do value the acutal bread because it is delicious, but obviously we value the meaning behind the bread more more. I wouldn’t trade this somewhat strange family tradition for any other.

After the bread was finished I went upstairs to my room to light a candle, which always attracts my cat. I tend to light a candle every single holiday that my family and I celebrate and every single Sunday. I also light them when I’m very stressed or during swim meets. Candles help me to relax, and of course they smell good. I’ve been lighting candles for years and I can’t even count how many I’ve gone through. I never even realized how thankful I was for candles and how much of an affect a simple thing can have on my life.

About my cat earlier, he also loves candles. Every single time I light one he comes to my room and sleeps. His name is Tigger and he is 6 years old. I got Tigger for Christmas in first grade, and my family and I have loved him ever since. He is very lazy, but is very lovable. He always greets me at the door and cuddles with me. He doesn’t really like my brother though. He is kinda fat, but that just makes him cuter to me. He’s an American Short Hair with green eyes and cute little white paws. Tigger is very crazy when he wants to play, he plays with my dogs, and by that I mean fight. He will usually fight the smaller dog, and will stop when the larger one comes to protect her.

After a few hours, dinner was ready! I went downstairs to grab food. My family and I use to eat at the dinner table on Thanksgiving, but we now all eat in front of the TV with our dogs, our cat, and our huge saltwater fish tank. Kinda weird, but it’s what we do. We have 2 dogs, Tundra and Winter. They’re brother and sister, but are SO different. At first, they both had blue eyes and were the same size. However, as time went on Winter stopped growing and one of her eyes turned brown, while Tundras eyes turned amber and he kept growing like normal. We thought they were pure bred huskies when we first got them, but they obviously aren’t. Winter is probably mixed with a corgi while Tundra is probably mixed with a lab. Tundra also has a red coat while Winter has a dark brown one. I’m beyond thankful for them as they are always there to cuddle with me and lick my face. Along with that, everyday when I come back from school they run downstairs with their tails wagging in circles and they try to paw me. The photo below is only of Winter as Tundra was outside. 

By our TV is a HUGE salt water fish tank. The fish tank actually used to be 2 times that size, but we replaced it as we thought it was too large. I do not work on the fish tank or help clean it, it’s only my brother and my Dad. But from time to time I help with the water change. My brother was the one that got my Dad into fish and we’ve had this fish tank for probably 4 years or more now. Whenever we order new fish or coral it always comes with a cute little Swedish Fish! The tank is really beautiful, but sadly you can’t see the colors in this photo. My Mom is sometimes annoyed by the fish tank as it costs quite a bit, but her and I know it’s something my Dad and my brother both really enjoy and we like to see them happy.

2 days after Thanksgiving, I had a Friendsgiving with my swim team! There was SO much food, but there was more dessert than actual food… As a result, my whole team and I probably ate a bit too much sugar. The night was super fun and we played ping pong downstairs after dinner. We also played some games like Never have I Ever and What are the Odds. There were probably 20 people there but there are way more people on the team. I am beyond grateful for my amazing team that have been with me for the past 7 years. I have met so many people from swimming, some I’m sure will be life long friends. Even though I hate the practices sometimes and want to quit, I know I will NEVER trade swimming for anything in the world. 

7 Days

day 1- I am beyond thankful for my dog, Cj for many reasons, including that he is always happy to see my family and me when the worst times come

day 2- i am thankful for my other dog. Dakota because she loves to cuddle with me and shes my running buddy

day 3- I am beyond thankful for my older sister for many reasons including she helps me with many issues i might have

day 4- i am thankful for my friends that help me in and out of school

day 5- i am thankful for lizzie because she has been by my side since day 1 and she gives really good advice

day 6- I am thankful for my guy bffs because they know how to cheer me up when i’m down

day 7- i am thankful for my other friends because they are always by my side no matter what

7 days

This project truly showed all I have to be thankful for in my life. It made me take a moment and see I have. 

In this picture my family and I are watching football and just enjoying each others company. I am very thankful for all the memories I have with my family. Although, we all may disagree about team (Go Browns!), we all enjoy commentating the game together. 

This picture is my cousin, my brother and my uncle in a huddle, talking about their game plan. I am very thankful for the time we have playing outside for hours and just having the best time ever. Even though at the end someone isn’t happy because they lost, we are able to look back at those hilarious times later.

In this selfie, my family friends and my family are taking a road trip to out thanksgiving dinner. I am very thankful for the crazy road trips I have with family and friends because it really shows us how much we can handle each other. 
This is a picture of someone of my teammates during one of our freezing practices. I am super thankful for my soccer teammates because they are some of my best friends and I can tell them anything. Also, we can be very competitive with each other on the field, but when we come off the filed with are back to being best friends. 

This is a picture of my family, I am very thankful for my family because they are so supportive and fun to be around. I am especially thankful for my family because we also I have the best time together. Some of my amazing memories are with my family.  
I am very thankful for soccer, because it has brought me so much joy in my life and taught me a lot of different valuable lessons. Soccer is one sport that a lot of my friends and family can enjoy together, which is probably one of the main reasons that I love it so much. 

This is a picture one of many picture of my best friends. I am extremely thankful for my friends because most of the time they make life so much more crazy and enjoyable. Also, I have had so many more amazing experiences with friends and learned to enjoy so much more, with friends.